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My name is Rev. Chris Christian. A sacred Eunuch who is bond by an oath of poverty. I meticulously went through the process of finishing this book because I know that you need its revelational light. Again, I was mindful of the great impartation the revelational messages in this book will achieve in your life while preaching them. It is a great privilege chosen by time and season to be alive when mysteries of God were ordained to end. This book is aimed at connecting you to God’s divine plans and destiny in this sensitive millennium. The guardian angel of this volume is motivating readers to stay with the riches of its brightness until God manifests your desires.

Loosen the seal volume 14 is a compendium of all the Sunday messages of the year 2022 and first quarter of the year 2023. I will recommend the previous compilation of volume 1 to 13, which are also revelational, enlightening and life transforming.

The beginning of every greatness is for people to have knowledge of their uniqueness; an ability. God will depend on you to fulfill His promises in your life. It is the past that controls the future, so safe-guard your life because someone else will live from it. Immortality is the light of a life. The value of every life and its preservation is in its light. This is why God committed ruler ship, destiny of men and the whole earth into the horoscopic movements of luminary bodies. These light governors of day and night are time-regulating, life-giving, record-keeping and life directing elemental bodies that rule through their relevant light in every season. Every great future is apprehended in preparation, so discover your best self and fulfill its destiny because every life is lived twice.

However, the infinite power of fasting and prayer provokes divine interventions, healing and gives access to revelations. There is no great person who wasn’t helped by spirits. The glory of your life is in the power of your spiritual cloud or company. Satan is still the god of the operational system of the earth. The only opportunity God has to recover the earth is through the brightness of men’s souls. God gives men power through light which means all bright spirits are powerful spirits. The only platform that can give satan authority over saints is knowledge. The Bible says that when satan disguises as an angel of light, people will die. Don’t be in hurry to fight your enemy, seek enlightenment first.

Though this season is mind-tasking and precarious, but it is amazing that choice brought me into the path of privilege where the mysteries of God is ordained to finish. With so much sacrifices and devotions, this book appears to you in its brightness as a compassionate friend and a sincere burden-lifter to share with you every life-transforming revelations it gleaned from God. As God is busy veiling things important to Him from unworthy minds, and preserving them for the worthy minds, the thought-seekers of this season are also busy losing things that are important to them just to unveil the things God is hiding. Those who understand the power of hidden riches can pay any price to have access to them. Your patience to eat this meal has actually motivated me to serve you this way; notwithstanding the thin and thick processes to bring it to you. Now that the book is in your hand, the guardian angel of this volume encourages you to stay focused with the riches of its brightness as God introduces you to a new season of your desired manifestations.

Furthermore, we are in a messianic season when angels want to tell the stories of men’s name and achievements after they have gone into eternity. The earth is a place of business and so is heaven. There is nothing God gives without a price. There are two kinds of death for everyone. The positive death to your will and negative death to God’s will. The real power of God is the character that light produces. When a man is blessed, everything around him will come under his positive transformation. This is why wherever miracle happens, it could come from God in response to the stimulation of men. God cannot give you miracle without your contribution. Whatever you want can’t look like God, it must look like you. So, you must find out what you have that God must depend on to bless you.

Conclusively, the greatest battle every man faces on earth is fighting against himself. Destiny-war against self goes on every day. It takes grace to win because the higher the glory the fiercer it becomes. The pain will not matter when the crown rests on your head and immortality is achieved.

Encapsulated in this loosen the seal volume 14 are life-transforming revelational and insightful words hidden in sixty chapters. Fellowshipping with its brightness will bring you into a realm of wonders.

Make it a must read.

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