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Man was made in a unique way that empowers him to live from himself. Discovering yourself and living from what you know about yourself is meant to empower you to apprehend your destiny. The reason why Jesus Christ was hugely prosperous in His controversial messianic ministry was because He lived from Christ. Because Jesus lived from Christ, He also lived for Him. Christ is the visionary Spirit that guided the life of Jesus. He is also the second person of Jesus’ thought. It is impossible to know who to live for when we don’t know who to live from. Jesus was a Carpenter but lived for Christ the visionary personality in Him. All that Jesus achieved in life and ministry attest to the fact that He lived from Christ.

The mingling of the humanity of Jesus with the divinity of Christ influenced His resurrection. We are all expected to live from the second person of our thought. If we must live from ourselves, we must be part of our lives. For Jesus to live for God, He harvested the divinity of Christ. Harvesting the divinity of Christ gave His life direction. It is only a preserved life that can be properly lived. The life of the man Jesus was preserved by the harvested Christ. Christ the second person of Jesus’ thought was the visionary personality that connected the man Jesus to God. The visionary Spirit of Christ is the life, the way and the truth. Nobody including Jesus can come to God except through Christ.

However, living from yourself is living from your father. Daddy is root and destiny. Because we can’t choose our lives, we can’t also choose our father. It was possible for the man Jesus to conquer death because He enjoyed the immortality of God. The fatherhood of God enthroned Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. All who live from their fathers are connected to their roots. The root speaks of our origin; where we come from and our foundation. Men rise and fall from their roots. The root of every man is where the story of the man is told. Where the stories of men are told is the place of destiny. Your root is in you and will always be part of you. You can’t be separated from it because you are one with it.

When David killed Goliath, Saul inquired about his root because he knew that what David accomplished was traceable to a particular root. God visits men from their roots. The God of every man is designed to be produced from his root. If the immortal God is your Father, you are not connected to the grave. If God can’t die, all who originated from Him will have nothing to do with death. The capital reason why Jesus came to the earth is to impart us with the life of God. Every life has its destiny. It is the nature of any life that determines its destiny. The value of every life is introduced on earth by the light of such life. Every life has its light. The light of every life is the hiding place of the life.

When Jesus came to the earth, He hid Himself in the light of Christ. All who must not die are expected to hide their lives in the light of Christ’s life. The reason why God can’t die is because He is protected where He is hidden. He is hidden in the light of His everlasting life.

All who must live forever are expected to live from their spiritual eyes. The spiritual eyes of men establish them in the realm of God. Jesus was successful in life and ministry because He lived from the eyes of Christ.

This inspirational book is encouraging every man to be mindful of who to live from. Make it a must read.

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