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Desiring to lead is not as important as having the ability to lead, and what we want to achieve is not as important as what we can achieve. A leader is someone who uses His ability to influence the lives of men. God solves the problems of people through their leaders. Leadership makes demand on the abilities of men. Leadership must not be committed into the hands of men who lack the ability to lead. Our leadership ability determines the support of God. Abilities separate men. The strength of God is revealed in the abilities of men. God is profoundly pleased when He raises men of unique abilities. Great leadership ability is a shield to all leaders who have it. The abilities of men represent the values of their God. Leadership abilities open the gates of the earth to God.

However, the primary assignment of the Holy Spirit is to provoke the abilities of men. Great leadership abilities are the blessings of God to men in all seasons. God exercises dominion on earth through the abilities of men. Ability determines usefulness. Leadership ability is inherent. All who accomplished one assignment or the other had the capacity to do so. When Jesus declared that He had power over His life to lay it down and to take it up again, He was talking about His personal and unique ability. The abilities of men control the job God gives to them. The oneness of Jesus Christ with God was established on His ability. It will be wrong to expect God to accomplish what men don’t have value for on earth. What God makes out of us is controlled by the kind of attention we pay to ourselves. Leaders with great abilities always pay quality attention to the word of God and themselves. Taking the divine nature of God empowers men with His ability. The kingdom of this world will only become the kingdom of God and His Christ when men start manifesting the divine ability of God on earth. Giving our lives to Christ will surely enhance our ability. Heaven will take over the earth when men receive ability to function like God.

Furthermore, the attention men give to transformation determines their leadership ability and skill. Looking at God is the best way to serve Him. Putting on the image and likeness of God is the most important leadership assignment. Leadership capacity is built on leader’s ability to act. Leadership is all about taking responsibility. Leadership is not really about what we do, but more about what we are becoming. What God will achieve through us will always be controlled by what He first achieves in us. The accomplishment of every leader is determined by the degree of his inspiration. We know what God will do for us when we know what He first took from us. All quickened leaders are often inspired and those who can remain inspired will always be the source of inspiration to other leaders. The ability Jesus Christ had to conquer death and satan was a human ability. Our leadership mandate is established on our ability. Leadership is all about solving problems, making enduring impacts, and winning battles. Ability is everything to leadership.

Subsequently, great leaders pay great leadership prices. The names of men like Moses, Elijah, Apostle Paul and Jesus have remained on the lips of men because of their great leadership abilities. Great leaders are preserved by vision to lead. Visionary leadership is the best form of leadership because it focuses on harvesting the abilities of men. Vision gags men to preserve their abilities. The abilities of leaders are the life-wires that connect them to their destiny. The spirit of vision preserves leaders through self-discoveries. When Jesus came to the earth, He functioned with an amazing ability because the Holy Ghost was given to Him without measure. The inspirational ability of every leader defines his function. The greatest opportunity which all visionary leaders can have is to provide leadership channels for God.

Finally, all great seasons were introduced by men of great abilities. The Lion of Judah is a visionary Spirit and Leader of all leaders that will depend on the harvested ability of a man to accomplish the messianism of the Sovereign King. It is only a man with the life, thought and leadership ability of the Lion of Judah that can represent His fullness. The primary difference between the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah is in their different leadership skills and abilities. The ability that will introduce the Lion of Judah to the earth cannot be seen in two men.

The enlightening pages of this revelational book will motivate your leadership ability.

Make it a must read!









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