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God doesn’t force destinies on men. He expects men to take charge of their lives. Because the earth is a realm of man, we must take responsibility for whatever happens to us. All that were killed by the devil first lost their lives. The way we treat the doors that connect us to God is far more important than our prayers. God protects only those who make deliberate effort to keep themselves. The determination of satan and his cohorts to hurt men is not as important as what men do to keep themselves. Not being in charge of ourselves is handing over ourselves to the devil. Those who don’t know where to look at and what to see will never be preserved by God. God will not preserve any man He can’t control. God preserved the man Jesus because He lived for the visionary Christ. The best thing a man can achieve on earth is the preservation of his personal life. Those who can’t keep themselves are sustained by those who can keep themselves. Keeping ourselves is the greatest battle we can win in life. Any man that wins himself can win any battle. It will not be possible for those who are not preserved by vision to win any strong battle. Being confused in life is a sign that we have lost so many battles. God will never protect confused men. It is only depleted lives that can be subjected to confusion. Anybody who doesn’t know who he is and what he was born to accomplish can invest his life mindlessly on anything that shows up. Whatever depletes a man’s life gives satan access to the man.

God has given us power over our lives. He connects to us through our choices and decisions. Those who choose to preserve themselves must not be destroyed by the devil. The way we treat ourselves determines how God will treat us. God doesn’t protect those who choose to die. God will always depend on what men provide for Him to achieve all that He must achieve in them. Death became part of the destiny of man when Adam lost control over his life. Those who can’t control themselves can’t keep themselves. Who we live for must control how we live. Whatever takes the life of a man will be his God. Whatever we are after will be after us. Those who willingly sell themselves to satan can’t be preserved by God. All who are hurt by satan provided for him what he depended on to hurt them.

It is not the duty of God to preserve the lives of men. Those who want to live should preserve themselves. The man Jesus was preserved by the incarnate Christ. The clothing of the man Jesus with Christ gave Him charge over His personal life. The worst thing that can happen to any man on earth is to lose charge of his life. Satan can only kill those who have lost charge of their lives.

You can win any battle if you have the discipline to keep yourself. The greatest thing the incarnate Christ achieved in Jesus was to empower Him to take charge of His life. To conquer death and satan was not difficult for Jesus when He became clothed with Christ. Except vision produces discipline, there will be no immortality. Fickle lives that lack direction can’t be preserved by God. Nothing tangible can be achieved through men who can’t look at a given direction. Indiscipline and visionlessness provide the devil the greatest opportunity to cause havoc in the lives of men. While discipline attracts God to men, indiscipline is an answer to the devil. Winning life’s battles will not be difficult for us if we make ourselves subject to the vision of God. Christ preserved Jesus because He lived for Him.

Sin which is the violation of the commandment of the Lord shatters the hedge of our protection. Those who love sin hate life. God can’t be part of the lives of men until He builds a hedge around them. The hedge of God also represents the presence of God. God makes Himself part of men each time He desires to protect them. Giving one’s self to sin is being made smaller than who the person is. Living in sin is a sign that a man is not in charge of himself. Those who live in sin make mockery of their future. Sin pays wages to sinners.

It was impossible for satan to destroy the life of Jesus because of the light of Christ. God is not impressed by the good character of ignorant men. All divine beings are enlightened beings. Christ made Himself through enlightenment. You can’t avoid the hurts of satan if you are shrouded in darkness. Hunger to sin is a desire to die. God makes amazing effort to preserve the lives of men each time He desires to take them far in life.

The burning desire of this inspiring book is for God to preserve its reader to accomplish their life assignments. The wicked one will not touch us if we keep ourselves.


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