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Truth is living; it has inherent power. Truth embodies the entire essence of life and relevance. The Sonship of Jesus was declared by the Spirit of Truth. Jesus is an embodiment of God’s truth. God sent Jesus to the earth to reveal the hidden truth of God and all who ignore Him will be misled by the falsehood of darkness. Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Truth that sets men free from every form of bondage. So, as we look steadily at Jesus Christ the mirror of God’s word, yokes of bondages are shattered. Freedom is a choice we must make and a decision we must take. Fellowshipping with truth leads to freedom.

The Spirit of Truth functions through its light and is also the revealer of God’s secret. Our closeness to God is what determines the light through which we see. Light depends on the Spirit of Truth to shape the lives of men. It is the intensity of our light that determines our access to the mystery of Christ.

Every season is introduced by a new truth. The coming of the Lion Judah in this sacred millennium will declare a new truth. The Lion of Judah will establish the messianism of the Sovereign King on the foundation of absolute Truth that will end of mysteries. God will separate Himself eternally from anyone who rejects this last truth.

However, the life and power of truth is in light. Truth can’t be veiled where light shines very bright. Truth is powerful and is hidden in the munition of revelation; it is ideological in nature. The destiny of the dispensation of Grace and Truth was tied to all that Jesus Christ is and represents. Revealing the hidden things of Grace and truth made Jesus King of kings and Lord of lords. Destinies of men are forged by the truth that established their souls. The all-knowing Spirit of God is ordained in absolute Truth. Light is more important than life. The value of life is measured in light. The Sword of freedom is wielded in the revelation of God. This is also why God accomplishes unbelievable works through spiritual and mental enlightenment. Freedom is designed for enlightened minds. Through enlightenment we are separated from satan and united with God.

Consequently, we must be very careful to avoid the pain of living in lies in the age of Truth. When the eyes of understanding of men are made blind, they see lies as truth. Satan is a devoted manipulator who makes things appear the way they are not. Values of men are depleted when lies are sown into their hearts. Since lies is shrouded in darkness, it won’t survive when bright light shines continuously. Everything that is useful to God fights lies. Hence the power of God is encapsulated in the Spirit of Truth which ha eternal power. Jesus was made the Son of God by truth, so it’s very imperative to state that lies are not totally powerless. Anyone who desires to conquer the devil and prevail over time must hold tenaciously to the truth of God’s word. Jesus Christ is the only available solid rock; all other grounds are sinking sands.

Furthermore, whatever separates people from the truth will eventually enslave them. One of the ways to know devoted agents of darkness is through waging war against the truth. Satan functions as an angel of light when he wants to deceive intelligent believers.

But the Spirit of Truth is the revealer of God’s secrets. God makes whatever He desires to preserve a mystery. God takes the lives of men when He clothes them with His mysteries. Jesus was enthroned as King of kings and Lord of lords when He was clothed with Christ. The life of Jesus started when He unveiled Christ to be equal with God. How important we are in the sight of God is controlled by our access to His secrets. While access to the hidden truths blesses those, who are worthy of it, it destroys others who are unworthy of it.

Conclusively, the word of God must shade light in the hearts of men before they can relate with the truth. Serving God when our souls have not been emancipated from manipulation is a blind act of self-deception. The word of God is a sword, hammer and fire. Absolute Truth is a crowned truth that makes other truths true. Darkness is as useful as light in the realm of absolute Truth. Whatever must be absolute must be self-made. Only self-made light can crush the power of death and bring life and immortality from itself. You can become You if you harvest the God in you.

The revelations of this awesome book will bless your destiny greatly.


Make a must read.

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