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When God wanted man to have His endless life, He incarnated Christ. The eternal life of God became the life of Jesus before it was made available to men. God became part of the earth the moment He shared His life with Jesus Christ. Jesus also became part of the God-head the moment He shared in the life of God. God who originated from Himself, created Himself from His divine origin. Having life in Himself is why He is complicated. It is in the eternalness of Christ that the immortality of Jesus was established. When Jesus became immortal, His earthly life became a heavenly life. It is only those that have the life of Jesus Christ that can rule for God. Any life that will not end will rule and reign. Being eternal gives us the ability to have life in ourselves. The Spirit of Christ will not meet any man that didn’t meet Jesus because the life of the Son of God had to become the life of the Son of man before men could have it.

More also, Jesus Christ the Son of God is the exact image of the invisible God. So God brought all things under the feet of man. Being the exact image of God speaks about the birth, Son ship and origin of Jesus Christ. The oneness of Jesus with God and His word is a mystery. The life of God in believers is sustained by His word. The express image of God gave Jesus a sinless nature that empowered Him to defeat satan and death. It is not possible for anyone that has source in God to compromise purity. Having life in Himself made Jesus one with God.

It is amazing that Jesus has life in Himself. God gave birth to Christ before Jesus was conceived. When God produced Jesus Christ, He gave Him power over His life. The ability of Jesus Christ to exist by Himself is why He is a life-giver. Jesus was in Christ from the foundation of the world. The eternal life of God is a life that is designed to be laid down. The Son of man was part of the eternal nature of God. Although Jesus was born by a woman, He existed in Christ from the foundation of the world. God will never relate with men without incarnating a spirit and it is what He achieves in incarnation that determines the kind of men He creates.

The heavenly life of Christ Jesus is a rich life that is encapsulated in mystery. The endless life of Christ enabled Jesus to function from the realm of God while on earth. Anyone who has the heavenly life of Jesus is above principalities and powers. God will share destiny with anyone who has His life. God does not permit the devil to attack any life that is encapsulated in mysteries. Heavenly lives are preserved in secrets where they are hidden.

Furthermore, the life of God is in His Son. When God wanted to share His everlasting life with the world, He first shared it with His Son. When Jesus Christ died and rose from the grave, this heavenly life became part of the earth. God’s word has the ability to sustain the eternal life of God because it is incorruptible and lives forever. Each time the word of God is spoken, the life of God is released to men. God reveals His ability to conquer death and deal with destruction through His word. God cannot be represented outside His word.

Jesus died to live. There must be death before life. Anyone that desires to live must first die. God crucified Jesus Christ so as to preserve Him. God manifests the highest form of power through sacrifice. God became a sacrifice each time He takes the nature of man. Death is the only acceptable means of multiplication. God is the Father of all spirits because His life can’t end. The sacrificial nature of God is why He is the creator of all things. The glory of the earth and all eternities are tied to the sacrificial life of God. He is an eternal King who lives for those that must not die. The victorious and reigning life of Jesus can’t be subjected to any form of shame or caricature.

Lastly, Jesus purposefully came to give life to men which laid the foundation of the New Testament church. Jesus took the life of Christ after He lost His perishable life. Calvary is a place of victory where Jesus made exchange that altered the destiny of man. One of the reasons Jesus came to the earth was to make this imperishable life available to all men. The best thing that can happen to anyone is to have this life. If God insisted on taking the perishable life of the man Jesus before giving Him eternal life, He will not share His imperishable life with us without us losing our own lives. God speaks constantly to believers so as to sustain His life and light in them. It is only by having the word of God in us that we can enjoy continuous victory over satan. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of light that sustains the presence of God in the midst of men through the word of life. The destiny of the church is tied to the word of life. The eternal legacy of God is sustained on earth through the word of life.

There is nothing that can be achieved on earth that is as important as storing the word of life in our souls. God hides us in His heart when we deliberately hide the word of life in our hearts. While the life of God is in His word, the life of every man is in his word.

In the inspirational pages of this revelational book, you will meet the life-giving Spirit of Christ that conquered death and satan.


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