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Where we arrive in life is determined by the path we are following and there is no path that leads to everywhere. There is safety in having direction in life. It is only those that know the way that leads to God that can find Him. All who desire to get to God must follow Christ. However, ways are created before they are followed. Jesus Christ is one with His Father and anyone who finds Him is connected to the Father. Jesus Christ is in the Father and the Father is in Him.

The primary assignment of the visionary Christ in the life of Jesus was to provide direction for Him. Jesus followed the path of Christ to God. Having the ability to create the way that leads to God was what made Jesus the Light of the world. The presence of the visionary Christ in Jesus shielded Him from the crisis of confusion. The presence of Christ in Jesus couldn’t allow Him to continue with the carpentry job. The man Jesus forsook His own way and followed the way of Christ. It was in the way of Christ that Jesus was crowned. Jesus became King of kings and Lord of lords on the way that leads to God. Following the way of Christ was one of the notable qualities that separated Jesus from other men that lived.

The way that leads to any destination is far more important than the destination. The crown men wear on the throne is forge on the way that leads to it. Jesus laid down His life to create the way of Christ. What it takes to make a way determines who follows it. The life of Jesus was preserved on the way of Christ. God revealed the glory and value of Jesus on the sacrificial way that led to heaven. Whatever takes our lives is expected to give us destiny. The way that connected Jesus to God was hidden in Christ. Jesus unveiled the indwelling Christ before He met God.

To arrive at a specific destination, we must follow a definite path. Every destination is made in its path. The journey that will bring us to the heaven of the New Testament God must be made in Christ. Those who are not mindful of the path they chose to follow should not expect to reach their destination.

All great destinies are forged in a known and definite path. The glory of every destination is made on the path that leads to it. All that Jesus passed through in the way of Christ is what is sustaining Him on the heavenly throne. There is need for those that desire to meet God to lose their individual lives in the path of Christ. God will not make any effort to preserve anyone that is not in the path of Christ. The price that was paid to establish the path is the primary reason many people will not be found in it. It will take heavy sacrifice for anyone to be found in a path made in blood. The sacrifice that was made to establish the path of Christ preserves it. It is awesome that Jesus sacrificed His life to create the way of Christ. The value of this path is in the sacrifice that was made to establish it. We are expected to lose our lives to Christ in the sacrificial path that leads to God if we must reign with Him. Quality and sacrificial lives are established on exchange. In sacrifice, what we lose is not as important as what we receive in return. It is what God gets from men that He must use to establish them in Christ. The worst thing that can happen to any man is to lose the great opportunities that sacrifice provides. Sacrifice is the only way that humans can walk in the divine path of God. Jesus lost His biological life to reign as the Son of God. The life of Jesus will forever be preserved in the path of Christ.

Jesus Christ improves the lives of men in the way that leads to God. In fact, it is in that way that sons of men are transformed into sons of God. There is no situation that God can’t alter in the path of sacrifice. Nobody remains the same after making significant contact with the Spirit of Christ. God lives in Christ as He transforms the lives of men. Before Jesus was crucified, He was clothed with Christ. Although the ultimate desire of God is to transform the lives of men, only those in the path of Christ can be subjected to transformation.

The way of Christ is hidden and mysterious but Jesus was able to find it. God bestowed great honour and blessings on Jesus for finding the way of Christ. When Jesus discovered the way of Christ and laid down His life to declare it, He became the way.

The best thing that can happen to any man is to be in the path of Christ. The greatest gift that God has ever given to man is Jesus Christ. The most valuable thing God has are the people who are found in His path. If this path has improved your life, you must not hesitate to bring people into it.

There are so much the Holy Spirit kept for you in the enlightening pages of this inspirational book.

Make it a must read!

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