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Jehovah is the God of gods, not the God of men. God relates with men through gods. While God dwells in the heaven of heavens, gods dwell in the heavens. The immortal God is worshipped by gods because He dwells in the realm of realms. When God descends to the realms of gods, He functions on earth through what gods provide for Him.

God meets with gods in the secret places of the deep. Becoming a god is a rare privilege that God gives only to men who understand the awesome power of definite learning.  I decided to write this book because God is insisting on taking over the spiritual firmaments of gods so that He can set the earth free from the bondage of corruption. God takes the nature of gods to dwell in the heavens of men. It is the destiny that gods received from God that they share with those under the influence of their heavens. The intrinsic nature, value and power of gods are known in their realms. While the Lamb of God built a spiritual firmament at the right hand of the Majesty on High, the Lion of Judah will build His firmament at the very seat of the Majesty on High.

Revelation produces gods from men. Although all men have the opportunity to become gods, it is not every man that can become a god. It is the fellowship of men with the light of God’s word that produces gods from them. The munitions of gods are the secret places where both their lives and destinies are preserved and built by revelation. The man Jesus is preserved in the fortification of Christ. The fortification of Christ is where the light of God’s revelation made the man Jesus the Son of God. Jesus lives forever in the munition of Christ. The munition of Christ is a tower of preservation built at the right hand of the Majesty on High. gods live from God. The revelation or brightness that establishes the spiritual firmament of gods belongs to God. God depends on gods to exercise power over satan and the fallen world. The brightness and strength of gods reveal their places in God.

The God of gods rules from the heaven of heavens. The heaven of heavens is the realm of ultimate brightness. Brightness is everything to God; it defines who God is and the strength of His power. The strength of brightness with which God established Himself in the heaven of heavens is the reason why He is the God of gods. Those who are looking for God should discover where He dwells.

The ability of God to keep His secrets is what makes Him the God of gods. The pain of the price men pay to have access to certain truths is the reason why they will always have the strength to keep what they know. The strength that is needed to unveil a secret is the same strength that is also needed to hide it. The heaven of heavens is located in the all-knowing realm of God. God knows the end from the beginning. In the realm of all-knowing, God is one with Himself. In the realm of all-knowing, the two eternities are made one. Eternity past and eternity future became one when God became one with His word. God who is light is also clothed with light.

The man Jesus championed His season with the brightness of Christ. The destiny of every season is tied to the particular brightness that is meant to declare it. Men are separated from their seasons when they don’t have access to the particular revelation that is in charge of that season. However, the brightness of the Lamb that accomplished the messianism of the suffering Servant is quite different from that of the Lion of Judah who will accomplish the messianism of the sovereign King. The right hand of the Majesty on High where the Lamb of God is seated was established through the brightness of Christ. While the very seat of the Majesty on High is established through the awesome and overwhelming brightness of the Lion of Judah. The destiny of the last millennium will be declared by the same brightness that established the heaven of heavens. The heaven of heavens is a definite place; it is a realm of realms made in God’s Fury. The eternal Conqueror who will discipline the nations with the sword of His mouth will come from the heaven of heavens. It is the strength of God’s brightness that made Him the Lion of Judah.

However, the spiritual firmaments of gods are both valued and separated in brightness. God relates with gods through their brightness. The revelation that produces brightness from gods is a mystery. When the ruling gods in the spiritual firmaments are blind, they encourage their subjects to hate light. Spiritual blindness and nakedness is the capital reason why there are so many dead gods. Any man who is subjected to the influence of a dead god can’t be kept alive by God. Blind gods will always give birth to men that can’t see.

The Lion of Judah lives from the opening of the sealed book in the Spirit of God. The very seat where the Lion of Judah will sit to both rule and judge the earth will be produced from the opening of the book in the Spirit of God.

God is a book Spirit. He speaks to people to be part of them. Not having the ability to open the book of our lives is denying ourselves. Because God lives from His word, He will not share His life with those whose lives are not controlled by His word. People of God are the people of His word.

Finally, the great white throne is the judgment seat for the God of gods. This particular seat is located in the heaven of heavens. Thrones are the visionary seats of monarchs before they are manifested physically. To build the great white throne in the mental faculty of the Lion of Judah will take a lot of spiritual and mental brightness. The Lion of Judah will judge the earth through gods but He will judge gods after judging through them. The reason why you must read this spiritual book is because its awesome brightness will reposition you to take a new place in God. Don’t forget that where you are is not as important as where you should be. Thank you for reading.

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