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What life returns to us is determined by what it first took from us. Effort shows in every area it is made. Those who invest in themselves preserve their lives. Being clothed with immortality is an awesome privilege that God gives only to those who invest qualitatively in themselves. The act of immortalization of mortality must involve investing bountifully in ourselves. Any part of us we didn’t invest in unveiling our revelational self will not be protected by God. We can’t separate how we relate with time from our immortality. We must take advantage of time to be the best of ourselves because life runs on time.

The best way to invest in ourselves is to reveal our higher selves. The God of every man is hidden in his higher self waiting to be revealed. Men win major life battles as they reveal their true selves. Any work we accomplish without revealing our true selves can’t be God’s perfect will for us. The efforts to reveal our true selves is painstaking, but highly rewarding. Revealing our true selves is the only chance God has to function on earth.

In addition, we must not allow satan to steal our lives.  Any life that is not properly invested will be stolen. When men live purposelessly, their lives are lost, and God will not make any effort to deny satan access to the lost lives of men. Therefore, transformation which is accomplished through intentional looking is the only way we can preserve our lives. Those who invest everything they have in self transformation reap continuously from the surplus of eternity. The presence of the Holy Spirit in men inspires them to pay attention to themselves. What we make out of ourselves reveals the divine deposits in us. Time provides limitless opportunities for men to become like God. All who desire to harvest the celestial glory of God must invest their terrestrial glory. What we take from God is controlled by what we first give to Him. It is the spirits in men that determines what they do with their lives. God does not clothe men; men clothe themselves with their higher selves.  Travelling inwardly to join with the hidden man of our heart empowers us to win our external enemies. So, inculcated in the life of every man is how the life should be invested. The guardian angel of every life has the book of destiny of such life. It is investing tremendously in their lives through fellowshipping with the Spirit of revelation that produces gods from men. There are so much God can’t accomplish on earth except through gods.

Furthermore, you must not lose your life. Satan is the god of this world and his major activity is to steal the lives of men. Satan can only steal and destroy lost lives. God doesn’t take responsibility for whatever happens to men. Men make themselves available to satan by investing their lives purposelessly. While godly fellowships enhance the values of men, evil fellowships diminish the divinity of God in men. While the fellowship of Eve with satan brought death, the fellowship of Jesus with Christ brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

Finally, every investment we make in harvesting ourselves speaks loudly in the result it produces. The measure of attention we pay to ourselves reveals how important our lives are to us. Your life is the most important treasure you have. What you do with it determines your destiny. Our spiritual and mental states always determine our accomplishments. No form of glory is superior to clothing of a perishable man with immortality. Satan can’t win battles against clothed men. Each time God wants to win great battles on earth, He inspires men to pay unique attention to themselves. Nothing extraordinary can be achieved on earth except men pay adequate attention to themselves. The earth is a battlefield; so, we need to invest continuously in ourselves.

It is only gods that can function in the realm of God. The steps that men follow to the realm of God are made in the light of God. Jesus was clothed with Christ on the steps that led Him to the right hand of the Majesty on High. God revealed to Jesus the way that brought Him to the heavenly throne because He invested vigorously in Himself. Investing in ourselves is sowing into our lives.

As you peruse through the pages of this impactful book, you will receive the understanding of how to fulfil your destiny by investing adequately in yourself.


Make it a must read!

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