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The deepest relationship God has ever had was His oneness with His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. The unbreakable fellowship that Jesus Christ had with the infallible word of God made Him one with God. Intimacy is looking like God. God incarnated Jesus Christ to get men to look like Him. Putting on the nature of God is the best thing that intimacy can achieve in us. Whatever we want God to do for us is not as important as having His nature. The relationship between God and Jesus was based on the Sonship of Christ. The intimacy of men with God is left for God to choose. If God doesn’t choose us, we can’t get close to Him. Our intimacy with God determines what we can control for Him. Intimacy doesn’t only empower men to win battles against satan; it also shields them from the many spells of darkness. Those who are intimate with God can’t be subjected to any form of vulnerability and shame.

However, there are battles that only intimacy can win for us. Jesus is the most powerful man that ever lived because He is the Son of God. The unequalled attention He received from God gave Him victory over satan and death. The support that God gives to men is determined by their intimacy with Him. Intimacy is far more important than doing things for God. Confronting the devil without intimacy with God will definitely hurt men. Satan himself became powerful due to the intimate place he had in God. How close we are to God determines our access to His hidden truths. God ties Himself to men through what He reveals to them. Intimacy is not about what you do but who you are and what you are becoming. It is a sacred union that improves our values in the sight of God. Intimacy is everything to God.

Furthermore, the greatest achievement of Jesus was to look like Christ. God establishes intimacy with men only from a given place. Except we are established in the place of Christ, we can’t have intimacy with God. Having a relationship with God from a given place is far more important than all the fasting and prayers we want to do. Intimacy inspires sharing and sharing involves exchange. How close we are to God is controlled by what He gets from us and what God makes available to us is also controlled by what He can get from us. God will never allow men to take important things from Him without taking something important from them. Those who don’t have anything to give should not desire to take something from God. Our willingness to share burdens with God reveals the degree of our intimacy with Him. Men secure great intimacy with God through their values. The values of men determine how close they can get to God. God believes that men have decided to overthrow Him when they start seeking things they are not designed to know. God will never make Himself available to valueless men.

Subsequently, intimacy with God requires a great price. The excruciating death of Jesus on the cross made His oneness with God possible. It is not possible to be intimate with God without making sacrifice for it. Adam was spewed out of Eden because he didn’t raise a personal altar of sacrifice to make him part of the visionary garden. Sacrifice determines the depth of our intimacy with God. Whatever God desires to give to us is what we must pay to receive. Relationships should be established on values and not on love. God gives men a place before dominion and intimacy determines our place. God gave the man Jesus a place at the right hand of the Majesty on High when He took the nature of Christ. There can’t be any tangible relationship between God and men without a notable place. Our relationship with the revelational light of God determines how close we are to God. Men’s intimacy with God sustains them in God’s eternal presence. Men share in the divine omnipotence of God when they are in His presence. It is only in the presence of God that men can be clothed with His divinity. Whatever separates a man from God’s presence is more powerful than him.

Finally, incarnating Himself created an opportunity for God to be intimate with Himself. When God wants to relate with men, He incarnates a particular Spirit. For God to relate with men, an incarnate Spirit must embody a man. Jesus couldn’t have been intimate with God without the light of Christ. Intimacy doesn’t answer to fasting and prayers; it requires enlightenment. There is no relationship between God and lightless people. Our closeness to God is determined by how close we are to the man that houses Him. The brightness of our individual lights is what determines our intimacy with God.

The enlightening pages of this revelational book will surely make you intimate with God.

Make it a must read!

Intimacy with god.

Intimacy with god.


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