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Just men and spirits in all realms are waiting for their destinies to be improved. Though the just men who are in heaven have obtained a good report, they are not yet perfect and God can’t perfect them without us. The destinies of spirits in all realms is in the hand of the living. The earth is a place of very robust opportunities. The primary reason Jesus Christ will come to the earth as the Lion of Judah is to accomplish the resurrection of the dead and perfect the spirits of just men. Even the life of the Lamb of God will be perfected as He takes the nature of the Lion of Judah. God is set to move the lives of spirits in all realms forward but this can’t be achieved except their lives are improved. The time we are in is like the time of Moses and Elijah where Jesus Christ the Son of God came to build a new heaven for men. God will depend on the light content of the Lion of Judah to improve both the life and destiny of the Lamb of God. Those who are expecting the second coming of Jesus Christ must pay to access all that God is hiding from this present church. The life of men will surely advance when the light in their spirits improves.

Men are kept in the grave by the same power that killed them. Satan maximizes effort in shielding men from the light of immortality. All who are in the grave were killed and kept there by the same power that shielded them from the revelational light that would have kept them alive. We are as important as the light of revelation that guides and sustains our lives. Each time God desires to improve the lives of men and spirits, He enlightens the eyes of their understanding. When God wanted to improve the people of the Law, He sent Jesus Christ to them with the message of Grace and immortality. The people of the Law were doomed when they rejected the relevant of their redemption. If the life and destiny of this present age must be improved, the light of the incarnate Spirit of the Lion of Judah is needed. The light through which we see reveal the value and true essence of our lives.

The light of men and spirits also reveal both the value of their lives and the worth of their destinies.

God is the Father of all spirits because He is all-knowing. The Father of light is the Sun of righteousness. God’s destiny is the ultimate destiny of all spirits. Whatever men don’t know creates an active platform for satan to function around them. Revelation has awesome transformational power.

God introduces spirits to new destinies by imparting them with His revelational light. God is not only the Father of light; He is light. God made Himself from mass light. Anything that has life has part of God’s light. The eternal power of God is in the light of His revelation. The life of men is limited when things they are meant to know are hidden from them. Having access to the deep things of God clothes men with divinity. To conquer death and satan was possible for Jesus because He was clothed with the light of Christ. Spiritual light is the greatest asset God has. Nothing is impossible for God to achieve with His spiritual light. It is the spiritual light of God that made Him all-powerful.

It is awesome to be a man, particularly being a man that has access to the revelational light of God. God depends on the living to connect to the dead. God is God of the living and not the God of the dead. To access the revelation that was designed to further the lives and destinies of the elders in heaven was why Jesus died. The best people on earth are the enlightened, God depends on them to improve the lives and destinies of others. It is wonderful to have access to revelational light that can improve the lives and destinies of just men and spirits in all realms. Every messenger is represented and preserved by his message. Trifling with the efficacy and power of God’s word is a practical sign that God is not with a man. Death is a great evil. Death stings only men who are separated from God. Nothing is more grievous than dwelling in a land where God can’t be found. If a man dies, it means there are things God tried revealing to him while he was alive, but he couldn’t access them. The steps that lead to the grave are made in darkness.

The emphasis of this life-changing book is on the need to seek the relevant revelation of this season.

Make it a must read!

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