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Imagination is having the ability to create thought and mental image of something not present in the sense. Through imagination men introduce themselves and the power at work in them to God. Imagination has infinite power and the best of men are those who relate intelligently with it. Knowledge which is created from parceled thought is less than imagination. The birth of new truths became possible for Jesus from the definiteness of His imagination.

Your imagination is you, so it determines how you look at yourself and relate with the outside world. Everything that happened in our imagination is represented by our thoughts. The realm of imagination is an echelon of visualization, formation, and actualization. Thought is tangible and can be restrained while imagination is elastic. Only God enjoys limitless imagination which is sacred and preserved. Except God condenses His imagination into thought, it will be difficult for Him to identify with men. The invasion of our spiritual and mental spectra is constantly intercepted at the supreme gate of imagination. It requires a lot of mental prowess to keep looking at definite direction and to stay with what God is showing us. Paying attention to a particular picture requires both our lives and time.

Moreover, the imagination of every man is the unrestrained being of his destiny that obviously spells out for God how He should relate with him. Visualization brings things that are far near and makes nebulous revelations very clear. It is only those who have the power of visualization that can conquer the witchcraft of confusion and manipulations. All who reign in eternity translated into immortality through visualization. Visualization empowers men to enjoy unbreakable articulation from their imaginations. The Babylonians had the ability to imagine building a city and a tower whose top could reach to heaven because the city and tower lived in them. Imagination introduces life; so, men live from the imaginations of their higher selves. Everyone that hides in the imagination of his higher self is preserved by God. People are made smaller than themselves when their imaginations are depleted through wicked acts of witchcraft.

Imagination is a scroll where the mysteries of God are encapsulated. Whatever is hidden can’t be accessed except the required price is paid. Everything God called into existence was part of Him. It is the secrets of God in the imaginations of men that determine the quality of their lives. Though God hides secrets in the imaginations of men, he had to scatter the Babylonians because they invaded the unrestrained imaginative sphere that made Him infinite in image formation. Imagination reveals both the spiritual and mental value of men. It is amazing to remember how the unrestrained imagination of the Babylonians has imparted endless generations. Nobody can be more powerful than his imagination. We are as relevant as the way we look at things. It is not possible for anyone to remain positive when his thought is continuously attacked. Hopelessness, confusion and depression take over the lives of men when their imagination is invaded constantly.

Therefore, we must not allow satan to make us less than God. Man was created in the image and likeness of God to live and function like God. As God is in heaven so are we in this world. Hence, we must protect our imagination because God depends on our mental state to rule the world. God unites heaven with the earth in the imaginations of men.
The presence of abundant light provokes unrestrained imagination and sustains it. When light shines, imagination is revealed. Light is both the foundation and offshoot of imagination. God will always depend on those who are brighter than us to improve our imaginative capacity. Light shines brightest when imagination is unrestrained. Outstanding feats and marvelous exploits can only be achieved with the strength of infinite intelligence.

In conclusion, God framed the world through His imaginative power. God’s word is His practical imaginative agent. The visionary Christ preserved the imagination of Jesus so that He could create his own world. The celestial grace of Christ empowered the terrestrial glory of Jesus to build the heavenly kingdom. Just as Jesus built the world of Christ who is the second person of His thought, we are expected to build the world of our visionary selves. God stores creative power in the imaginations of men. So the degree of our usefulness is measured by our imaginative mind. Men with unrestrained imagination enjoy the endless supply of the grace of God. Unrestrained imaginations make men limitless in power and wisdom. God reveals vision to men through the eyes of their imagination. If you don’t want to lose your life and abilities, you must hide them in your imagination. God cares about our ability to retain vision and sensory privileges. The sensory organs of men are kept alive and useful from their imaginations. There is no blessing superior to having unrestrained imagination that can connect us to all blessings.

Reading this book, you will contact the spirit that will provoke your imaginative prowess to create your envisaged future.


Make it a must read!

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