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Both the coming of Christ and Jesus took the efforts and contributions of the Jews. Jesus Christ came to the Jews because they made His coming possible. The will of God will never be done on earth except men buy into it. The destiny of God on earth is the destiny of a man. The spiritual light God depended on to form the Spirit of Christ was deposited in the spiritual firmament by the Jews.

Everything that was written concerning Christ had the Spirit and life of Jesus. God’s light is in His word. The power and efficacy of God’s word is sustained by the brightness of His light. God’s word functions through its light. It is the brightness of Jesus Christ that made Him one with the word of God. The coming of Christ was possible because of the foresight of the Jews. Future is apprehended through preparation. Those who saw the coming of Christ and prophesied about it were also part of His coming. It is not possible to separate the past of a people from their future. What God will achieve in future is controlled by what we kept in the past. God makes constant contact with the past. The Spirits of the Prophets and their words were what made the coming of Christ possible. Jesus Christ eventually became the incarnate word of God because of what the words of the prophets produced in Him. Jesus Christ lived the life of His word. He couldn’t live differently from the weird and controversial words of Jewish prophets who prophesied about Him. The value of every spirit is in the effort that was made to form it.

Nevertheless, the Old Testament prophets saved their lives in their words. The words of men represent their lives and spirits. The light contents in the spirits of men like Moses and Isaiah were represented by their words and spirits. The destinies of the Jews are forged by the words of their prophets.

Jesus Christ never trifled with the words of God because He came through them. The divine legacy of God is preserved on earth through its words. Those who have God in them don’t trifle with the word of God. The word of God is incorruptible and immutable. The messianic ministry of Jesus Christ was preserved on earth through the words of the prophets, lived by the m and also connected us to God with the word of God. The Jews improve their destinies by preaching Christ. What God achieves in our lives will always be controlled by what we provided for Him.

The Jewish prophets who provided for God the light He depended on to form Christ will never be forgotten as long as Jesus Christ lives. It is in Jesus they live, move and have their being. This is why we must invest our lives and talents purposefully. It is awesome that the Jews had capacity to produce both the Son of God and the Son of man. Giving Jesus Christ the light of the world to the dark world of men is the greatest thing they have achieved so far. Future belongs to those who have what it takes to arrest it. Jesus Christ took the nature of the word of God to give the Jews a new destiny.

Any power that separates men from the word of God will surely separate them from God. God’s word has the power to prevail over time and seasons because it is incorruptible. The immutability of the divine counsel of God makes men eternal on earth. The reason future belongs to the Jews is because they paid to arrest it. God is a Spirit and as such does not take responsibility for what happens on earth. God will never have destiny on earth except men give it to Him.

God wants us to be part of whatever we want Him to accomplish in our lives. The value of our lives is revealed in what we invest them on. There are so many people that have passed through the earth without keeping a reasonable legacy because of the purposeless way they invested their lives.

Men reveal the quality of their lives in their ability to access the hidden things of God. Our ability to connect to future is what preserves our lives and values. However, God reveals to men the future they are part of. Jesus Christ knew that His coming was paid for. When the Syrophoenician woman besought Jesus to heal her daughter who was molested by an unclean spirit, Jesus told her that children’s bread can’t be given to dogs. Jesus knew that He came unto his own. Each time God desires to solve a problem, He commands those that need solution to produce it. God will never separate what we achieve ourselves from what He will do for us.

This motivational book you are reading was written to inspire you to take responsibility for your future. It is creating special consciousness to African, to plant light in their spiritual firmament so that the future they prophesy and dream of, can be realized.

Make it a must read!

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