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Holiness is an essential attribute of God that designates perfect purity. This particular characteristic is what separates God from the world. Holiness is a quality of being holy. Men can only bear fruit of their seed nature. It is our being that determines our becoming. It is very imperative we submit to what the light of God’s word can achieve in us without limitation. It is the clothing of men by the light of God’s word that makes them divine and valuable in their being. God can only exercise dominion on earth through the harvested values of men. So, ignoring all that can be achieved through usefulness of men in the name of religious holiness makes mockery of divine essence.


However, through the sanctification of the word, men are clothed with divine nature. The transformation which the living word of God accomplishes in men can’t be achieved without God’s word. This is why God raises standards against sin from the house of His word. When God speaks to us, it is to purify, transform and to produce a new self from our old self. God lives from His light and through His light, He purifies the lives of men. All that are lightless are also lifeless. Since there is no iniquity in enlightenment, dark lives can never be holy. So, holiness should be interpreted from brightness because God can’t be represented in nakedness or ignorance. Those who have high quality lives will never tolerate darkness in their lives. This is why God defines holiness from revelation and measures His value through brightness. Light is the capital agent in every form of ordination in the kingdom of God because burning bodies are ruling bodies.


Men must depend on the brightness of their enlightenment to topple the dark government of satan. God lost His life to take the nature of light that He might be preserved by it. The lights of our lives give us place in God. The eternal God is preserved in light. Any man who walks in darkness can’t be preserved. But when men lose their lives to acquire light, they are preserved by it. Brightness represents God in the lives of men. God will never be part of any lightless world. Through the power of His light, God raises beggars from dunghill into the throne of glory. God depends on light to change the seasons of man. If there is any promise left for God to accomplish in your life, you need to facilitate its fulfillment through brightness. Burning bodies assume new destinies through their lights. Remember the sun remains in dark obscurity before burning to introduce its rich value from its light. Sacrifice magnifies the values of things.


Moreover, there is no true holiness for the depraved because here on earth God builds His destiny in the thoughts/ideologies of men. The word of God is the only tool of our reconciliation back to God. Also, the privilege we have to be like God is to allow His word to impart our thought continuously.


There is no holiness for those who are mired in darkness because knowing God is an act of acceptable service. Light heals and preserves. This is why the earth will submit itself to anyone who produces light to heal its afflictions. There is life in light and everything God created including His life has origin in light. Light heals, protects and preserves because light is royal.


Although behavioural and attitudinal holiness is very vital, the concept of holiness stems from the revelational insight of who God is. It is very important to know that the only way we can be holy is through seeing God the way He is. Abstinence can neither make us children of God nor defeat spiritual darkness. It is the depth of God’s revelation that determines the level of our purity. It is the revelational word of Vengeance of the Lion of Judah that can empower men to share realm with the Spirit of the last incarnation. The incorruptibility and immortality of God’s word created everything under the sun. Anyone who refuses God’s word is not holy and will be subjected to death and destruction. It is only people who are born incorruptible by the Spirit of God’s word that can actually be holy. Holiness is a character of God that is inculcated into people as they are born and raised by the word of God.

Your life will be imparted greatly as you peruse through the enlightening pages of this revelational book.


Make it a must read.


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