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The determination of God to prosper us must inspire support from us. All who desire to be prosperous must comply with the principles of prosperity. Treasures are hidden in darkness and it only those who have light that can access it. God gives men only what they have access to take. The harvest of treasures that are hidden in darkness requires light. Light is very precious to God because of all that can be achieved through it. We are as important as the light through which we see. God will never allow those shrouded in darkness access to things that are important to Him. It is the type of light we have that determines the kind of treasure we are connected to.

However, prosperity is not about amassing wealth; it is about the accomplishment of purpose. Jesus Christ was the most successful man that ever lived yet His life was strictly subjected to the oath of poverty and celibacy. The Light of the world is King of kings and Lord of lords. While Jesus Christ was on earth, He had the power and anointing to multiply fishes and bread to feed five thousand people in the wilderness. Jesus Christ was highly prosperous. It was His everlasting light that gave Him the opportunity to accomplish the messianism of a suffering Servant. There are so much that can’t be accomplished without prosperity.

The willingness to be prosperous must motivate us to keep the tenets of prosperity. God instructs men each time He desires to prosper them. When He wanted Joshua to be prosperous, He also instructed him to pay special attention to the book of the Law. When He wanted David to prosper, He instructed him to adhere to the book of the Law. Treasures of darkness cannot be separated from those whose souls are prosperous. Soul-prosperity is a product of enlightenment. Anybody who has the ability to see things that are in the dark can’t be separated from the forces of Gentiles. We are as prosperous as the enlightenment of our souls. Light has economic value. The kings of the earth brought their glory and honour into the new Jerusalem because of the light of the city. Gold and glory can’t be separated from light. Although Cyrus was a heathenish king, God used him mightily because of his light. Light is not religious. It is wrong to desire to be prosperous when we lack the light of prosperity.

The reason a lot of people who wait anxiously for God to prosper them are disappointed is because God doesn’t take responsibility for the prosperity of men. It is the way we relate with the principles of prosperity that determines whether we will be prosperous or not. What we want God to do for us is not as important as our willingness to take responsibility for our own prosperity. The abundance of the sea shall be converted to us; even the forces of the Gentiles. Meanwhile, prosperity is about accomplishing vision. The reason it was possible for Joseph to solve the problem of famine in Egypt was because his life was preserved by vision. Through preservation, vision prepares men for prosperity. This book of revelation and principles which you are already reading was written to introduce you personally to the highway that leads to limitless prosperity.

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