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Heaven is not far; it is only hidden. Heaven is encapsulated in mysteries. The distance between heaven and the earth is measured in mysteries we must unravel. God hides things to shield them from people they are not meant for. God invests a lot of strength in hiding things. Heaven is preserved and made precious where it is hidden. Heaven is hidden in God. The spiritual kingdom of God is more of a revelation than a place. A lot of things that are said about God are not true because God is hidden. It is only those who find God that can be part of His kingdom.

God is always around us but can’t be seen because He delights in hiding Himself. The distance between where we are and where God can be found is measured in the strength of our revelation. It is a great offence to desire to worship God without knowing where He can be found. God hides Himself in men. God’s kingdom is everlasting because it is hidden. God declared heaven valuable when it was veiled in mysteries. Whatever will rule man must be a mystery to him. Satan can only be kept away from things that he doesn’t understand. If we keep things that are important to us where satan can access them, God will not protect them.

Whatever is important to God is hidden in men. God is as close to us as men are. Heaven is also as close to us as the earth. Heaven is not a place to go to; it is a city to be part of. Those who neglect men can’t meet God. If God is not found in a man, then He can’t be found anywhere. Looking for God outside a man is idolatry. God is not far; He is only hidden in men. Christ was introduced on earth as Jesus unveiled Himself. God makes Himself one with any man that houses Him. Those who look for Christ outside Jesus will never find Him. The best favour a man can do for himself is to reveal the God in him.

Heaven lives in God. The spiritual kingdom of God lives in Christ. Harvesting this kingdom from Christ made it the kingdom of Jesus. Jesus became one with Christ the Son of God when He built a dwelling place for Him. Our relationship with God is built on the measure of attention we pay to ourselves. It is not possible for a man that has access to the dwelling place of God to ignore himself.

God hides Himself in the thoughts of men. The way we think is far more important to God than our prayer. Heaven is not far; it is hidden in the thoughts of incarnate men. The spiritual kingdom of God was hidden in the thought of Christ. God protects and preserves things where He hid them. One of the ways to know how important anything is to God is through where He hides it. Hiding Christ in Jesus revealed the high value of His humanity. However, men enter into heaven as Christ becomes part of them. All who desire to enter into the spiritual kingdom of God must first enter into Christ. In the days of Noah, the people first entered into Noah before they entered into the ark.

15And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. 16And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in. (Genesis 7vs.15-16)

God improves the values of men by hiding His secrets in them. God speaks in mysteries to protect His Omnipotence and preserve His dominion.

God is more interested in our becoming part of heaven than in our entering into it. It is wrong to desire to enter into heaven when we have not lived for Christ. It is only those that are part of heaven that can enter into it. It is unfortunate that many people care about going to heaven but care less about becoming part of it. God depended on the man Jesus to build the kingdom of heaven because He had the kingdom in Him while on earth. Desiring to be part of heaven should be more important to us than wanting to go into it. It is not possible for those who are not part of heaven to enter into it. God used Jesus to build the heavenly kingdom that was in Christ. To achieve this, Jesus lived the life of Christ. The life of Christ was the life of heaven. It is wrong to separate how we live and what we live for from what we will become.

There are numerous revealed truths about heaven in this life-changing book. Perusing through its enlightening pages will definitely add value to your life. Make it a must read!  

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