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Heaven must be seen as a tribal city that God produced from the Jews and for the Jews. Heaven is a visionary city produced by a visionary tribe. The progressive hard work and continuous sacrifice of the Jews are why it was possible for them to produce the Light of the world. If Jesus Christ who is the owner of heaven is a Jewish Savior and the heavenly members of His cabinet are all Jews, I think God is a Jew. If God is actually a Jew in His image, thought and likeness, how can those who are not Jews live in heaven? The Jews have the ideological discipline to progress their thought from the Law and Prophet, to Grace and Truth and now to Vengeance. It will take having an awesome awareness and strong visionary inclination for the Jews to progress their way of thinking to the last millennium.

God is a tribal Spirit. Heaven is a royal city that was built by Jesus Christ because He came from the royal lineage of David and Judah. Jesus Christ manifested from the eternal life of God; that is both a family and tribal life, and only those who have royal mentality can receive it. All who have the endless life of God will also share in His rule.

However, the royal destiny of God is reserved for Judah because of his uniqueness. The tribe of Judah is a God-producing tribe. Until the tribe of Judah produces a Lion-God, the world will keep waiting. God is all-wise because He identifies with people the way they are. It is awesome for the tribe of Judah to produce both the Lamb and the Lion. To end physical death, God must appear from Judah as the covenant head of Life and Immortality. God will always depend on what He gets from men to transform the face of the earth. We must identify properly with our root to live for its purpose. The sacrificial nature of the Jews was why Christ was given to them. Also, to produce Jesus took generational sacrifices from the Jews. The heavenly city is preserved by the sacrifice Jesus made to establish it.  Heaven is a blood city established by bloody men and only bloody people can be part of it. Heaven is a royal city that is separated from other cities by His splendor. The crown of this city of David is made in the brightness of the living light of Jesus Christ.

Consequently, the New Jerusalem which is the city of the living God is an architype of the ancient Jerusalem. Jerusalem is called the Lamb’s wife. This is the city of God built by Jesus having innumerable company of active angels and spirits. There is no limit to what God can achieve when visionary men stand right with God. The effort we make to be part of the New Jerusalem preserves us in it. The precious stones of the New Jerusalem city represent the economic value of the golden city. God accomplishes unique things through unique families. He also considers root each time He wants to give destiny to men. The root that bears us is more important than our human efforts. The best of God is shared with the best of men. If heaven is a tribal dominion, then it belongs to the lineage of Judah.

The heavenly cabinet was established by God through the Jews because of their futurism. God rules the earth through the Jews.

Conclusively, the Jews have strength both to attract God and sustain Him. To keep God in us will take being like God. Jesus kept Christ because He is like Christ. If was possible for God to establish the government of heaven through the Jews, it means that we will all live from and for the Jews. Royalty prospers through sacrifice. Through sacrifice both men and the earth put on divine nature. The spiritual light of God is everything to Him. God shares His everlasting light only with the Jews. The light of heaven will never fade. Israel is an enlightened nation which introduced God to men as light. The light of God’s word has not only preserved the Jews, but also the Gentiles. The Jews are people of God’s word. Jesus Christ who is the word through which heaven was created is also the guardian Spirit of the heavenly kingdom. The land of the Jews is the home of enlightened bodies. The light of every life is a product of the thought of that life. The light of God shines in heaven as Christ.

Encapsulated in the pages of this book are revelational insights designed to transform your life.


Make it a must read.

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