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God wants us to have power over our lives because those in charge of their lives can’t be killed by the devil. It is not the duty of God to protect the lives of men. God will never give men who lack power to keep themselves a place in Him. Those who pay attention to vision are pulled out of destruction. Our lives are designed to be preserved by whatever that took it. Death is not omnipotent; it kills only people who lost their lives. It is very imperative we invest the virtues of our lives in building a hiding place. This is crucial because every form of lasting prosperity starts with self-preservation. People lose their lives when they don’t unite properly with the second person of their thoughts. Uniting with the inward man gives us power over our lives. This is one of the capital reasons Jesus came to empower our human life with the life of God. Having this eternal life of God gives men foresight about what future holds for them. Any man who is in charge of his life can control anything.

God is tremendously pleased each time perishability puts on imperishability. This is why He takes the lives of men when He shares His divine life with them. It was an incredible benevolence that God accepted the humanity of Jesus in direct exchange with His divine life. This is why the best thing that can happen to any man is to lose his fickle life so as to take on the divine life of God. You can’t take the life of God without losing your own life. God preserves the lives of men through imposing His will upon them. God takes the responsibility of keeping lives that are dedicated to Him. While the human life is fickle, mundane and perishable, the divine life is stable, visionary and focused. So, it becomes impossible to subject the divine life of God to any form of mockery and molestation. This is also why the divine life can’t be used to fulfill the desires of the flesh. Destinies of men are altered when light shines on them. Anyone who must not be destroyed must be hidden in the light of God’s word because immortality can only be achieved in the midst of so much light.  Lives that must not end are preserved by light.

Furthermore, whatever God desires to share with men He will first share with a particular man who will distribute to others. So, the eternal Christ produced immortality from the man Jesus because He willingly submitted to the enlightenment of transformation. The lives and destinies of men are forged by the living light of their lives. Enlightenment produces the best from us. This is why we can’t share in the life of God except we have His spiritual light. While the spiritual light establishes dominion in the realm of the spirit, mental light achieves dominion on earth. Vision tames men out of the path of sin. The reason we must not commit our lives into the hand of God is because God can’t live our lives for us. God enlightens our eyes to see how detrimental sin is, when we are tamed by vision.

Again, men are preserved by the power of their lights. No one can be separated from the brightness of his light.  Revelational lights are encapsulated in mysteries. If we must be more powerful than satan, we must have access to a light greater than his.

Conclusively, God’s ultimate power is encapsulated in mysteries. Satan is easily subdued by mysteries he doesn’t have access to. The secret place of God is the most precious thing God has. Looking at God to see ourselves is the most important thing that can happen to us. God can’t raise gods except He clothes men. And men can’t see God naked except they lose their lives. No one can be more useful than all that happened to him. Getting transformed is the most important way of working God’s work. If any man must avoid losing his life, such a man must walk in the light of Christ. God will give us charge over our lives if we walk in the light of Christ.

Encapsulated in the pages of this book that are designed to bless you tremendously.


Make it a must read.

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