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The word of God is God and it is His greatest gift to man. God’s word exercise dominion through its economic value. All who are imparted graciously by the light of God’s word are always blessed materially. God controls the economic destiny of nations through the power of His word. The word of God doesn’t go out and come back without accomplishing the purpose for which it was sent. God’s word is His greatest assets which He uses to harvest the treasures of darkness. There is no poverty for all that the light of God’s word shines in their hearts. Men establish financial dominion from their preservation. God connects men to life’s inheritance through His word. So, the degree of our relationship with the word of God controls our portion in God.

However, Jesus Christ is not only the word through which all things were created, God also uses Him to multiply valuable things. The miracle power of God is provoked and sustained through the light of God’s word. This is why we are as powerful as what the word of God achieves in us. God will uphold us if we keep our eyes on His eternal word. It is an awesome revelation that God is eternal because He created Himself by His word. But He is immortal because He is formed by His word. The intimate relationship of men with the eternal word of God gives them place in God. The best way to live is to invest sacrificially on the word of God. If mortality must put on immortality, our lives must be invested on the word of God.

More so, what the light of God’s word accomplishes in men empowers them to represent Him. Great spirits will always pay attention to God’s word. There is no limit to what the word of God can achieve in men. God preserves His eternal power in the midst of men through His word. Through the word of God men can be elevated to the awesome realm of God. God honours those who discovers how powerful His word is.

Consequently, the greatest achievement of the word of God is to transform the lives of men. Values of men are tremendously enhanced when the word of God introduces incorruption into their lives. Each time God desires to end shame in the lives of men, He clothes them with the light of His word. Through its infallible power, God’s word alters the destinies of men. All who have very attractive destiny lean dependently on God’s infallible word. The word of God alters the lives of men, situations, and frees nature from bondage of corruption. The divinity of God will manifest through anyone that has enough light in him. Each time God’s word alters our destinies, our environment is greatly influenced by the change.

Again, God’s word heals through its light. If God can’t be sick, those who are begotten of His Spirit must share in the same destiny. God’s word has an awesome healing value. God’s word destroys the power of sickness when we submit totally to God. Each time the word of God is spoken, it launches out like a sword to represent the Spirit of the God. God will stay with us if we stay with His word.

Although God doesn’t make men ready for prosperity, He doesn’t deny men who made themselves ready for prosperity. Transformed souls attract prosperity and divine health. Anyone who has the light of God in abundance will not lack what God has. The destiny of whatever that belongs to God is tied to the light of His word.

Conclusively, the treasures of God are controlled by the light of God’s word. Everything God is, is in His word. We must not accept to be mere humans when the word of God can make us immortal. God’s word has power to keep men out of the grave. Men are introduced and sustained in the path of life as they pay continuous attention to the infallible word of God.

As you peruse through the pages of this enlightening book, you will be tremendously blessed.


Make it a must read.

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