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There are numerous ways of saying the same thing. Different words could mean or represent the same thing. God has the capacity to speak His word because He looks steady at Himself. God is perfect because He delights in looking at the mirror of His word. The mirror of God’s word can’t break because it is as ageless as God. A lot of words that came from the same root can be used to express a thing or give an accurate narrative of a particular incidence. God is not ready to make Himself simple because He is already complicated. God delights in being complicated because that is the surest way to protect and preserve Himself. God doesn’t separate what He thinks from what He says. All who spoke enduring words did so from the original root.

In the beginning, God existed in His word, but when He desired to make Himself known, He spoke Himself into existence. God has been one with His word in the very beginning. The word of God has both life and light. God manifested from the eternity past because He was preserved by His word.

Moreover, there are things that are separated in the eyes of men, but they are the same in the sight of God. Darkness is the main dwelling place of light. This makes darkness and light alike in the sight of God. It is very important for us to know that it is the way we see ourselves that determines how we see God. Nothing can be hidden from God because of His ability to see Himself exactly the way He is.

Those who doesn’t understand darkness will find it difficult to give light accurate interpretation. Darkness is the foundation of light. This is why light can only be useful in the presence of darkness. The solution of every problem is in the problem. God raised Jesus Christ from the grievously afflicted Galilee because the solution of every problem will always be found in the problem.

God established His eternal presence with men when He took the nature of His word. God stays with His word when He speaks. When Jesus Christ wanted to establish His eternal presence on earth, He took the nature of God’s word. Jesus Christ has the same source as the living word of God. The word of God made the man Jesus one with God. God preserved His life and eternal destiny in taking the nature of His word. Through taking the nature of His word, God united heaven with the earth. The relationship of Jesus Christ with the word of God made Him the Son of God. The most important thing that God accomplished for all believers was making Jesus Christ one with His word.

God speaks to people as a way of sharing His life with them. God loses His life each time He speaks, yet speaking to people is the surest way God preserves His life. The life of God is rooted in His word. To get the attention of hearers, God says the same thing in so many ways. Those God uses to speak are part of giving meaning to His word. The man Jesus spoke the word of Christ on behalf of God. Except we have a specific place in God, it will be difficult for us to speak definitely for Him. What we are becoming will always control what God will say through us. If God speaks through a particular vessel, that vessel is part of the word. God considers it a great opportunity to have people that can speak His word. Isaiah was a messianic prophet who spoke extensively about both the coming of the Lamb and the manifestation of the Lion of Judah. He was mightily used of God because of the value of his seed and consecration.

Speaking through men is the best way God uses them. This was why Jesus Christ came as an embodiment of God’s word. The reason Jesus spoke clearly and concisely was because He spoke the words of Christ. Incarnating His Son was the greatest gift God has ever given to man. All spirits that spoke for God were birthed by God through His word. Each time God w ants to give birth to spirits, He incarnates His word.

Moreover, we are as important as what God reveals to us. Revelation is very powerful; it has the power of preservation. What God reveals to us can’t be separated from who we are. Revelations and righteousness emanated from the same root-word. Those who didn’t care about where they stand must not be trusted with very deep revelations.

Finally, things that exist in themselves will always look like each other. There is no need to consider whatever we can see if we don’t consider where we stand to look.

I think that the primary reason you made a decision to read this insightful book is because you are part of the end-time prophetic programme of God. It is time to know as we are known!

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