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God functions on earth through families. God meets men in their families to give them destiny and share family blessings. We must belong to a family to be part of God. Altars must be raised by families before God can be part of the earth. Families should inculcate rich values into their children so as to create suitable pattern for God to accomplish the unusual. God must establish a special family pattern before ordination can be accomplished.

God’s blessings for us are in our families to be given by family heads. So, Jesus raised believers as priests and kings to reign with the generational authority of God on earth. The glory, power, and honour of every family is revealed through the family head. God gives blessings to family members through family heads. It is also family heads that introduce God to family members. This is why Jesus remains the way, the truth, the life and the Mediator between God and believers. Any destiny God didn’t give to family heads can’t be released to family members. The blessedness of a family head makes him the god of the family. And as the guardian angel of the family, he moderates the activities of family angels and manifests the authority of God in the sharing of lineage blessings. God doesn’t relate with men outside family.

However, heirs are made ready for inheritance through impartation. It is our inheritance that determines how and who makes us ready. When the enlightened souls of men are empowered vigorously through transformation, it becomes their hiding place. God must give the solitary a family before He blesses him. All wanderers are vulnerable. Loving your children is the first tangible impartation. God will always love a child that is loved by his parents. Great families are known for deep love and tough upbringing for their children. It is the story that gave birth to us that determines how God relates with us.

The vulnerability that strips a solitary of the honour and glory of God exposes him to continuous attack. A solitary life is lived outside shelter. God provides cover for people in families. Why God gives a family to the solitary is because men are expected to receive blessings from their source. Living without a family is denying God. And God will not love any man who is not loved by his family head. Anyone who doesn’t belong to men can’t belong to God. Relationship is everything to God because the family of God on earth prospers through the efforts of men.

Moreover, the Lion’s family is very unique in many ways. Its foundation will be laid on the grave of satan because death has been abolished. God Himself is the head and guardian Spirit of this immortal family and there shall not be sorrow, crying, pain, tears or death. It is awesome that God will depend on Judah to raise the last and most important family on earth. It is a great blessing to be part of God’s royal family on earth. So, to improve the destinies of these heirs, their mentalities must be aggressively vivified. Except an heir is discreetly and sufficiently imparted, he can’t access and sustain his family inheritance.

God is a family Spirit that functions on earth through family heads. The God of every people functions through them. The greatest miracle of all times is for a man to look like God. God raises fathers from sons. We can give our families the destiny that we desire for them. Whatever a man achieves is an advantage to his family. Heirs can attract the attention of God through their character. Thought formation is the pivot of character building. A patterned life will always keep heirs in the house. So, when a particular way of living introduces us to a particular path, the path in turn will bring us to destiny.

Conclusively, parents have tremendous influence on their children. We cannot be different from the root that bears us which is why children live for and from their parents. God lives in fathers to influence their children. Eternal life is the nature of God that He shares with Christ. Stories of children are told in their fathers. God cares only for those who are cared for by their parents. One of the greatest opportunities that life provides is to influence someone very hard and consistently.

The earth is blessed with unique and wonderful families. God accomplishes unique things through unique families. It is the sacrifice made at the family altar that determines the destiny of the family. This is why unique families are raised through painful sacrifices. The church is the most powerful and influential family on earth because it took the death of the Son of God to raise her. God is attached to the uniqueness of families. Judah’s family produced a David, Jesus the Lamb and soon coming Lion of Judah. Ignoring our uniqueness is neglecting the effort of God. This is why God is as powerful as the uniqueness of men. Families that are unique must not be ignored.

The enlightening pages of this book will bless you tremendously.

Make it a must read.

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