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Every spirit has its origin in God. God created all spirits from His light. The Father of all spirits also created Himself from mass of light. So, whatever that has light exists in God. And God will never deny light. Spirits reveal their values and weights through their lights which controls how God relates with them. God doesn’t deny the seed of His light nor withdraws lights that spirits are formed with. This is why God and Lucifer still meet because Lucifer was made in the light of God. All who are begotten of God, can’t be separated from Him. Disobedience might cause temporary separation but the light of God in men can’t be denied.


However, the Father of light is also the Father of spirits who gives birth to spirits through His revelational light. Both the kingship of God and His immortality are all products of His light. The light of God is His divine economy that represents His life. God hides men in the light of their lives, so men improve their values when they improve their light contents. All lights have source in God. Truth can be twisted to achieve negative purposes but that doesn’t deny its source. God is light which declares Him King of kings and Lord of lords. There is no variableness in the Father of lights who rules and exercise His dominions from His brightness. Everything God is emanated from His light. The divinity of God was established through the abundance of mass of living light. Only enlightened men know how important light is. This is why we must use awesome sacrifice to purchase light because everything glorious and precious is associated with light. It is the light contents of our lives that regulates how God relates with us.


Hence, flesh gives birth to flesh, spirit gives birth to spirits. God can only father those He gave birth to. So, spirits are as powerful as the light that formed them.  This is why God only forges men’s destinies through the light of their birth. All spirits have the brightness of God’s light in measures. The birth place of spirits is the echelon of dominion where God stored the light of their formation. God’s light represents His life, value, efforts, sacrifice and everything God is and has. So, values of spirits are known in their lights which determine their places in God and how God related with them. Light is living and it is everything to God. The brightness of light represents its relevance and how bright we are, reveals our values before God. Therefore, the destiny of anything that is shrouded in darkness is tied to light. You are born by the light of God to shine upon the dark world of shame and misery.

Moreover, it is very imperative we understand the power of a source. The Father of all spirits is the source and sustainer of every spirit. All spirits exist in God as light. The power and life of every spirit is in its light. God is not the father of men. Spirits will usually begat spirits. So, the destiny and blessings of every life is in its source. Whatever God desires to give us can only be made available in our source. To relate with men and fulfil his destiny on earth, God must incarnate a man to be with men. For this reason, we must take advantage of all that Jesus provided for us in the light of Christ to achieve the maximum. So, connecting to the foundation that God unapproachable light doesn’t only introduce us to endless life, it makes us part of the divine royalty of God.


Furthermore, God gives birth to spirits through light and raises men through light too. All lightened bodies are ruling bodies. The battles of life are fought in light. The power of every soul is measured in the brightness of the soul. This is why nobody can win any battle he doesn’t have soul brightness to win. Again, the strength of the guardian angel of our lives is controlled by our soul enlightenment.


Conclusively, God is a constant and the unchangeable changer who rules the earth through the light of His stability. God lives by the light of His vision which is why there is no variableness and shadow of turning. We are as constant as the intensity of our brightness. There is no shadow of turning for all who lives by the light of their lives. It is from the father of light that every good and perfect gifts proceed from. Spirits are created with different abilities and gifts. The light of God’s word is the dwelling place of everything that is important to God including His life. Gifts and ability of God are part of the fruits that light produces. Ministry must not be established on gifts but on the revelational word of God. We are as powerful as the brightness of the light that guides us. We don’t work for gifts but for the light of God’s word. If you pay quality attention to the word of God, He will share His divinity with you.


The deep revelation in the pages of this insightful book will bring you into a higher realm of glory.


Make it a must read.


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