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Lion is a large, tawny feline with shaggy mane in the adult male found mostly in Africa. Lions are sheltered in the thicket of the savannah. God wears lion’s face because of the uniqueness of this courageous mammal. Lions are the kings of beasts. It is a mystery that the merciful God who is full of loving-forgiveness is putting on the ferocious nature of a flesh-eating mammal. Lion is a symbol of bravery, great courage and strength. There is no animal that has the relevance of the lion in this end time. Apart from Jesus returning to the earth as the Lion of Judah, a lion is part of the chariot that carries God.

The strength, bravery and courage of lions reveal their intelligence and awesomeness. The Spirit of the Lion of Judah is an all-knowing Spirit. The seven eyes of the Lion of Judah which is a symbol of completeness of vision was what produced the seven horns which is the completeness of strength. The seven eyes and seven horns produced the all-powerful seven Spirits of God. Jesus Christ will return to the earth as the Lion of Judah to consummate the work He started as the Lamb of God. Coming as the Lion of Judah is very important because that is the only way the oppositions of this millennium can be subdued. It is through the Spirit of the Lion of Judah that God will exterminate satan who is prowling around as a fake lion seeking whom to devour. The battle of the end time will be fought with lion’s spirits.

I decided to write this book because we need the Spirit of the Lion of  Judah to be relevant in this economic millennium.  The Lion’s face is not meant only for God; the end time army will also wear it. If the kingdoms of this world will be the kingdoms of God and His Christ, an end time apostolic army with the Lion’s Spirit must be born. Those that desire to be relevant in this end time must be baptized with the Lion’s Spirit.

One of the special features that separates lions from other animals is their feeding habit. As it has been said, lions are mammals that belong to the cat family. Because they are largely carnivorous, an animal must lose its life each time a lion feeds. This also makes lions life-taking mammals. The coming of the Lion of Judah will mark the end of mysteries. The way lions feed on fresh meals daily is how God reveals new things every day to the end time army. Meal reveals us. It is also a shield; it adds value to us. While good spiritual meal adds spiritual value to people, good diet nourishes. People can’t be different from what they eat. Lions know the value of meal that is why they don’t eat dead things. Different kinds of meals achieve different kinds of things in different people. Meal connects men to their destinies; it has the power of life and death. Satan wounds men each time they are separated from the very meal of their lives.

Another vital feature that separates lions from other animals is their thickets. The thicket of the lion is its stronghold. Lions build lairs in the savannah because of how important where they are found is to them. All powerful spirits care about their dwelling places. Lions dwell in the savannah because they don’t want to be taken unawares. The Lion of Judah is the King of kings and Lord of lords that is why He hides Himself in the brightness of the unrevealed truths. Staying safe in a preserved lair is far more important than fighting. Lions are very powerful because they are marvelously protected. The reason why God is living in the heaven of heavens is because He places value on protection. Because of the value lions place on their thickets, if they are chasing a prey and the prey runs far away from their thickets, they will retreat. God protects men in their dwelling places. Those that don’t care about where they are found have no value for their lives. The Lion of Judah is clothed with a vesture dipped in blood. He will come with the Spirit of Vengeance to finish His enemies and reward the righteous.

The determination to make my own contributions to the end time event of God is why I chose to write this life-transforming book. This millennium is a day of judgment and perdition. It is deeply mired in divine election, favour and awe. The major feature that will mark the day of Vengeance is God’s determination to hide His secrets from men. If we have two lions around the throne, the Lion of Judah who is sitting on the throne as a slain Lamb with seven horns and the cherubic lion that is one of the four beasts that carry God, then we must not trifle with the uniqueness and the value of lions. This book was written to introduce you to this particular animal whose Spirit will guide the end time destiny of man. Make it a must read.

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