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Dominion can’t be exercised without value. God cares about the values of men because that is the only channel of dominion for Him. God is revealed on earth through raising men that can house Him. The Holy Spirit power breaks value limitation in men because wherever God accomplished extraordinary feats, valuable men took responsibility for it.  We must allow what we get from men to determine the way we treat them. God will not give men anything important to Him without taking something important from them. We can’t claim that we are important to God when we are not useful to Him. Value must connect us to God because God can’t be found in a vacuum. You cannot separate what can be achieved through you from you. God will not reveal Himself to valueless men. So, those who desire to be lifted must produce for God raw materials with which to lift them because same provisions will sustain them in their elevated places.


However, there are different values of men achieving different dominions for God in diverse seasons. It is the ability of men that controls what God accomplishes on earth. God sees us through the eyes of our abilities. Leaders lead with their abilities which also connects to other men of unique abilities. The legacy of God is preserved on earth through the abilities of men. This is why relationship is God’s kingdom should be established on value. The reason we must pay special attention to ourselves is because God needs our abilities to declare the everlasting kingdom of the Lion of Judah. All who ignores the ability of God in them will forfeit their destiny. You are fearfully and wonderfully made to accomplish a unique assignment for God. It is the manifest abilities of men that moderates what God accomplishes on earth.


Again, the determination of God to oust satan out of the earth can’t be compromised. This makes the earth a place of battle. God does not fight men’s battle so He equips them to fight. It is the equipment of men that determines the battle God enlists them to fight. We must not tempt God by fighting battles we are not wired sufficiently to fight because He will not give His support. Vision accomplishes preservation before dominion. Whatever attacks the values of men jeopardizes the opportunity of God to have dominion on earth. A man who is captured by vision can’t be denied dominion. Men share power with God when they provide object of dominion for God. So, there can’t be relationship between God and men outside vision. The values of nature of men determines the kind of vision God gives to them. It is what vision produces from men that God depends on to solve problems on earth.

Consequently, all who appeared before God for dominion were introduced by their personal values. There can’t be dominion on earth without manifesting human values. If God took the life of His Son before giving Him the spiritual kingdom, we must not handover precious things to gold-diggers. We must depend on what we have to take whatever God desires to give us. The endeavors of men on earth should be dominion-based. Whatever we lost to establish dominion is preserved by dominion. This is why God releases what is important to Him to men after He has taken something important from them. Value unites men and also separates them from themselves. Brightness connects men to whatever they are meant to have. So, great dominion is enjoyed from high intensity of light.


Also, the word of God enhances the value of men for greater dominion. Whatever God took from men to reveal His word will be preserved by the word. Dominion is a function of preservation. God always manifest awesome power through His word. The divinity that is provoked by the infallible word will never be denied. God rules the earth through what the word of God makes out of men. If the revelational word of God must be part of us, we must make sacrifices for it. The Spirit of God is represented by the word of God in the midst of men.


Lastly, the Holy Spirit enhances the value of men through the word of God. So, men must be tamed by vision before the Holy Spirit can enhance their value for greater dominion. While God depends on vision to enhance the values of men, satan depends on visionlessness to devalue men. The word of God is a cloth and shield. Each time God desires to fellowship with us, he visits His divine deposit in us. God’s legacy is preserved on earth through the preservation of disciplined visionaries. Developing rich character to sustain a visionary dominion is the greatest achievement of every visionary.


Encapsulated in the enlightening pages of this book are truths that will bless you immensely.


Make it a must read!

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