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God didn’t only create all things through the power of His word; He also sustains all things by the same. Everything God created is sustained by the light of His word. Light has the strength to dispel darkness. Wherever there is void and nothingness, it was caused by the presence of darkness and God will not be found there. God will never be part of anything that He didn’t create. Creation is the capital thing God achieved with His word and those who want to share in the creative power of God must be united with Him through His word. Through the word of God, we can be co-creators with Him. Men enjoy limitless opportunities when they start exploring the power of God’s word. God will always use men to create what they can see. Seeing in an important part of creation. Revelation is infinitely omnipotent.

However, men force new things into existence by the same power that makes them gods. It is not proper to deny men the power to accomplish the impossible when they have the ability to see the invisible. Access to clear revelations conquers the confusion that depletes the inner strength of men. Those who can’t see anything clearly must not be involved in creative activities. God’s word made everything He created part of Hi, God’s word has limitless power. Anyone who pays adequate attention to the infallible word of God won’t be denied its power. All that Jesus accomplished as a man is possible with men because Jesus Christ accomplished them as a man to open the way for us to do the same. Winning life battles can only be possible if we make the word of God our hiding place. God’s word will first preserve us before it can empower us to create for God.

Furthermore, the best people on earth are those who represent God in His word. Abundance of God’s light in the souls of men keeps death away from them. Paying adequate attention to the word of God doesn’t only keep evil out of our lives; it also empowers us to preserve others. The presence of darkness makes men vulnerable and powerless. Seeking the creative power of God without His light will plunge men into witchcraft. To enhance our creative value, we must constantly win the battles against darkness. Spiritual light is the strongest weapon in eternity. Whatever God doesn’t achieve through the light of His word can’t be achieved through any other means. Everything that is important to God is encapsulated in His light. Darkness is evil but it is the only hiding place of light. Except light shines in darkness, creation can’t take place.

Also, there is nobody that can’t lose his life in the midst of very think darkness. While the spiritual light of God sustains His life in men, the presence of abundant darkness sustains death on earth. The most reasonable thing we can do with our lives is to acquire light. There must be darkness before desolation and if desolate places must be healed, the light of God’s word must shine abundantly. The greatest achievement of the Lion of Judah in this millennium will be to incarnate the word of vengeance. The Lion of Judah will invest the mass of light in creating a material world that will house His throne on earth. Extraordinary illumination can’t be experienced except unique sacrifices are made. God doesn’t speak except men make sacrifices to hear Him.

Consequently, God will never reveal his secrets to those who didn’t pay for them. If powerful words are needed to create the millennial kingdom, then the Lion of Judah must pay for them. Great spirits can’t be part of the earth except great sacrifices are made to quarry them out of the munitions where they are trapped in. Those who have the light of God in them don’t speak negative words. There are several things in the mind of God, but He creates only what men can take responsibility for. While satan destroys through darkness, God creates through light. All that Jesus accomplished was based on the harvested light of the visionary Christ.

Finally, the end of all things will surely come after the Lion of Judah has tabernacled a man to build the millennial kingdom. Every form of power manifestation that is devoid of light will hurt people. Mysteries shall finish when God incarnates the spirit of vengeance. As God unveils the mysteries of the last truth, He will take the nature of the mass of living light. Those who have the Spirit of God in them will always fellowship with His word. Every man’s world exists in his word. While God depends on His word to create the spiritual world, He totally depends on the words of men to create the physical world.

Encapsulated in the pages of this book are revelational truths that will make you a co-creator with God.

Make it a must read.




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