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Occultism is a satanic practice that brings hidden and mysterious powers under human control. It is a practice of knowing and using of evil powers through knowledgeable lights. When men abandoned idolatry, satan introduced occultism. Since satan can’t rule the earth directly, he equips occultic men with deep knowledge to rule for him. Satan fortifies his agents with negative spiritual powers through practices of witchcraft, divination, sorcery and enchantment. He entices men with wealth, power and fame. And many have fallen prey to this ploy of darkness. We must beware of false prophets who are recruiting souls for satan through bewitchment.

God will always spoil every attempt of satan to bewitch believers. It is only those who left God that can meet the devil. It is the life that we live that establishes our destiny. Man must not be despised because he is sovereign on earth. The measure of dominion God or satan achieves on earth is controlled by the kind of men that are raised. We must hate occultism because it diminishes God’s opportunity to raise preserved men. We must not tolerate books that corrupt souls of men. Satanic altars that hurt the destiny of lands and incense the heavens must be vehemently crushed. We must wake up to neutralize satanic intelligence that provokes elemental anger against the righteous. Men can close the heavens of lands against God. The heavenly places don’t belong to anyone. It is those that make the highest sacrifice take charge of it.

Understanding that sacrifice is an irreplaceable ordinance makes occultic men to sacrifice painfully to satan. Blood must be shed before satan relinquishes power and money to people. The soul of the earth thirst for blood because the life of the earth is tied to sacrifice. It will not be possible for those who didn’t connect to the earth through sacrifice to have place in it. Whatever that happens on earth impacts heaven directly. The earth falls to the highest bidder. Whosoever sacrifices the most is made richer and more powerful. Anyone who is in charge of the soul of the earth will be in charge of the destiny of men.

Satan who is evil and not dark immortalizes souls of men through negative impartation so as to sustain his destructive legacy on earth. Powerful spirits keep themselves alive in the pages of books. The earth is sustained by the living lights of eternal men. The battles of the soul of the earth can’t be fought by those who are ignorant. God redeems the hearts of men through books and satan also enslaves men through books. Satan will never share power with people who cannot preserve it. We must not trifle with the Bible because it is where God kept His life and ours. Souls of men become very powerful through continuous impartation. Even twisted revelations don’t lose their power which is why satan uses it to corrupt souls of men.

However, Lucifer has achieved so much being the god of this world, yet he is sieged by limited knowledge and power. Satan is a hidden personality whose knowledge is corrupt and represents an evil end. He is an embodiment of lies. He lost his place in God and cannot access God’s revelations. So the altar of the church is far stronger than any satanic manipulations and lies. Believers with unflinching faith in God must not embrace a ritualistic practice that thrives on soul selling and bloody transactions. Satan who is a defeated and doomed cherub prospers through the blindness of men.

Believers who share in the Omnipotence of God have access to His all-knowing realm and are untouchable. It is very imperative we know that satan can never increase in power. Because he has lost the chance to improve, he functions through bewitchment. The kingdom of darkness prospers through stealing, killing and destruction. Wherever altar is built for the devil, streams of evil influences will issue out to corrupt lands and hurts godly activities.

Moreover, we must counter altars of occultism by raising greater altars and close up occultic streams. The earth is going through emotional tumult because satan is busy diverting human, spiritual and natural resources into evil endeavours. We must stop the hurting exercises of satan so that judgments that are written against him can speedily be executed.

Conclusively, God is completely tired of streams of darkness and has decided to end them. There will be no occultism when the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of God and His Christ. The word of God must be preached with devotion, demonstration of God’s power and very high consecration. A new breed of believers must be clothed with the sovereign support of the Lion of Judah, to shatter the wings of darkness and curb the nefarious activities of occultic men. All subtle initiations into occultism by the negative enlightenment of the eyes of men through strange forms of fellowship must end. It is time to run swiftly toward those that God must use to open our eyes positively with the light of His word. We must stay strong in God’s presence until all our enemies are brought under our feet.

Perusing through the enlightening pages of this revelational book will bless you amazingly. Make it a must read.

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