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Life is full of paths. Birth introduces men to different paths as they forge their destinies. The path of every man’s life exists in him. There are different spiritual and physical paths that meet at different junctions of life. It is not the duty of God to make paths for men. When we choose our paths, God will be compelled to choose our destination. Making of paths involves labour and sacrifice. The hidden path of vision is in the spirit of dreamers. When men discover a visionary path, it rewards and preserves them. Any path that is not ordained in vision will lead to destruction. Vision is higher than the life of a man and the crown of accomplishment it puts on men is produced on their visionary paths. Vision also inspires continuous seeking and sacrifice to unveil its hidden paths and guiding instructions. It is an awesome miracle of a life time for a man to discover the path his life is meant for. God gave birth to Christ from the foundation of the world but Jesus was found and formed in the path of Christ. The path we are found on reveals our values to God. Family altars where God establishes covenant with family members are raised in visionary paths. When sacrifices are made upon altars, visionary paths manifest.

There are paths that choose us that will produce the ones that we can choose. Although some paths are predestined, we still have choice to be in them or not. When God sees us in a particular path, He is immediately compelled to make the destiny of that path available to us. The New Testament path that took the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most powerful path in eternity. Anyone who is made in the image and likeness of God should not embrace pleasures that will only last for a short season.

However, God can’t be part of the earth except a way is made for Him. The Lion of Judah can only come to the earth if an altar is raised for Him by those who have His Spirit. Although the manifestation of the Lion of Judah will meet fierce oppositions, God will encourage those involved to be determined through efforts and sacrifice. Paths connect people and only those who are connected spiritually will always meet physically. Jesus was linked to John in messianic path. Visionary paths are designed for prepared lives. All rich paths make demand on high level of discipline. What God takes from us is controlled by what He loses to us. The path that leads to great places requires very intimate fellowship. God wants us to be part of whatever He wants to accomplish in our lives. People are dressed in paths of vision. Negative lives corrupt positive paths and depreciates values of men.

Moreover, God takes the nature of guardian angels to dress and share destiny with those that are found in a known path. It is awesome to end our lives on a discovered visionary path. God makes narrow and tortuous paths. The paths that leads to important places are never broad. So, the way is not only more important than the destiny, it protects the destiny. The toughness of a path separates those who are destined to walk in it from others.

It is very deplorable and ridiculous to walk on broad paths because men meet their everlasting doom in it. There is so much senselessness and denial of God in broad paths. It is only tough and resolute minds that walk on a narrow path. All saviors who were used to accomplish works of emancipation were all raised on narrow paths. Broad paths head to everywhere and nowhere.

End is never different from start. The life of Jesus ended in Christ before He was born. So He was crucified the day He was born. Jesus paid for His resurrection through very high consecrated, sacrificial and painful life style. This is why God doesn’t give account of what happens to any man. The future of every man is found in his past. Only paths connect ends to beginnings.

God reveals His new will to men as He changes their paths. The Lion of Judah will come to transit the church and nations to a more useful path. No man remains in the same path when his spirit is continuously flooded with the revelational light of God. Men are made for paths from continuous impartation. Those who are not joined together by narrow path can’t stay together.

Conclusively, any time God wants to achieve new things in our lives, He makes us to create a new and more useful path. Creating a rich path through rough and tortuous processes is why God comforts men with costly revelations and deep secrets. When spirits and men create paths, they remain on it to protect it. In this millennium, men must share thought with God Himself who is the guardian angel to create the last path. God’s path is made in the light of His word. We are all found and formed on paths. The word of God was chronicled as the greatest gift of God to man. So through constant impartation of God’s word men are equipped to walk in God’s path. Our word relationship determines how close God is to us. When paths that are not meant for themselves crosses, there will be very harmful incompatibility. Despising God’s word attracts depravity and those who hate God’s word love death.

Encapsulated in the enlightening pages of this book are amazing revelations designed to alter your life positively. Make it a must read.

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