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Every season has a destiny and the destiny of every season is encapsulated in the mystery of the season. Anybody who can’t access the mystery of a particular chosen season can’t be part of the season. The favour of a particular season is reserved for those who have access to the mysteries of the season. Every season waits to be declared by men who are meant to declare it and except men declare a particular season, God can’t be part of it. However, it is the destiny of a particular season that determines who introduces it. When Jesus Christ declared the dispensation of grace, He wore the crown of the dispensation. All who mattered in the dispensation of grace were the henchmen of the dispensation.

I decided to write this book because this season needs to be declared. The crown of this dispensation is reserved for those who have access to its hidden secrets. Except this season is declared by men, God can’t be part of it. The destiny of every important season is encapsulated in a mystery to protect it from those who are not meant to be part of it.
The destiny of every season is also tied to the purposeful men of the season. When men discover the purpose of a particular season and give their lives to it, they are crowned by the purpose. Every destiny is meant to be worked out by those it is given to. There is so much God can’t achieve until He gets the right people. The kind of men God raises in a particular season is determined by the purpose of the season. The purpose of every season is the reason for that season. It is very dangerous to be alive in a season without being part of it. The reigning crown of every season is hidden in its purpose. It is not possible to accomplish an important assignment in a season except the choice of God gives us access to the hidden things of the season. This book is in your hand because you need to be part of this season. Purpose is higher than life. It is the only reason for life.

Nobody is meant for all seasons. Because the Lamb of God was used to declare the dispensation of grace, He can’t be used to declare this dispensation. To declare the dispensation of Vengeance, God must incarnate Himself as the Lion of Judah. The destiny of this particular millennium will be lost if the purposeful men of this millennium fold their hands.

Every season needs attention in specific areas. Because the last millennium is a season when light is everything, it has zero tolerance for ignorance and illiteracy. There is so much God will not reveal to us until we are determined to seek them. Seeking introduces seekers’ lives to relevance. Because purposes are hidden in men, they are not usually revealed until men are ready to seek them. The price we are ready to pay to seek the secrets we don’t know is controlled by how important those secrets are to us.

A season is not meant to be introduced until it takes men’s lives. Those who can’t sow their lives to introduce a particular season will be destroyed by the darkness that is associated with an undeclared season. When a season takes the life of a man, it also preserves him. One of the reasons why the name of Jesus is immortalized is because He was used to introduce the dispensation of grace. The name of Jesus Christ has reigned for more than two thousand years because it was preserved by the dispensation of grace.

It is the crown men produce that they wear their seasons. It is what men get from themselves that they will depend on to declare their season. Grave couldn’t keep Jesus because His humanity was preserved by the divinity of Christ. This millennium is alive and is ready to bless as many as are truly connected to its destiny. The life of this millennium is tied to the light of its revelations. The last millennium is hidden in itself and is waiting to be unveiled. Having the ability to unveil it will give us access to its favour. The foundation of this crowned millennium is laid on the ideology of Vengeance which is meant to be introduced by the Lion of Judah.
This book came to you because you are an important person of this dispensation. Fellowshipping with the light of its revelation will surely empower you to take your place in this millennium. Make it a must read.

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