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God cares about what we eat spiritually or physically because he cannot separate our destiny from it. The power of life and death is in meal, even spirits in heaven eat. There is no realm where people don’t eat, even the dead still eat. Revelation is given to us from storage of knowledge. People become doomed when they don’t know what to eat and avoid. Wrong meal is poisonous. Choose your destiny from your meal.

Eating the flesh of a man is possible. There is no man that had a taste of real glory that doesn’t understand discreet eating. Every type of occultism that reigned on earth ruled from with intelligence of Moses. So throne men ate Moses. The only opportunity God has to keep the spirit of men alive is to make them eat Him in word form. Jesus gave us His life in the word. God and Jesus are one in the word of God. So they exist in themselves because they are meals. In Revelation 5vs.4-9, the Jewish Messiah took the destinies of kindred, tongues, peoples and nations through the meal of living word. Eating is a soul work. Jesus gave us His life as bread so that we might be sustained.

Feeding the dead is possible by the word of God which is God. When a higher light come into the spirit of the dead, it brings emancipation. Men die mostly for eating wrong meal or being starved to the death of the right meal. Furthermore, the Lion’s Testament is the Third Testament which is a type of meal meant to raise the third people. There is a pot of the last meal. The word of God is a meal cooked in the spirit of inspired men. The principal job of a preacher is to make meals. If an altar of meal is not raised, men can’t stop going to hospital because dark lives can’t stop producing sicknesses and afflictions. If you don’t eat what you are meant to eat, you will not become what you were supposed to be. A man with the meal of your destiny represents your God. The pot of the last meal is a pot where the cook is the meal. The baker of the bread is the bread. The connecting point between the living, dead and Just men is just one pot. If a man must not die, he must eat his heavenly meal while on earth. The power of death and life is in meal.

Feeding on God is very essential. All that must not die must feed on God. God cooks only for gods, if a man is not a god, he can’t eat directly from God. A god that eats from God eats both from God and himself. The covenant of immortality has its pot.

There is a meal that can produce immortal wealthy men on earth. The feeding of the first one thousand richest men can only come from the last meal. Infinite and unrestrained imagination is the only source of revelation and knowledge that can produce immortal billionaires. Feeding goes on in all the realms of life. Every destiny God gives a man must involve meal. The Lion of Judah is coming to the earth for an earth dominion and people that must represent Him must eat the last meal. The Lion eats lamb but the Lamb eats grass. If the eater is not eaten, man cannot be perfect. It is not every revelation that can join your spirit to your soul. The brightness of men’s soul is what champions the destiny of the earth. The sea to sea dominion is for people that will eat certain meal and is not only for human activities.

God is about to give birth to a people from a new will. The Lion shares His will with the third people by talking to them continuously. Through the act of fellowship, He declares them guiltless.

In conclusively, we must feed for kingship, rule and to be in charge. There are certain foods you can eat and it will make you great, whether you are a servant or a king. You can through meal eat yourself out of shame, suffering and death. Any spirit you attract through sacrifice cannot leave you. Effort is not enough to make a man special. Focus is path of greatness. If future is not clear, options will hurt someone. Whatever will make one royal must be hidden. There is a class meant for the first one thousand richest men which is encapsulated in mysteries. Some truths are not teachable. We can only know them but they have no expression in words. God will never give them a leg because for a truth to come out, it must be written, then God will give it a leg, and finally it will start walking. This is why if you want to teach such truths, God will not give it a leg. The size of a throne is controlled by its sacrifice. No one encourages anyone that wants a throne to make sacrifices because he already knows how important the throne is to him. The meal of every man speaks in his life. So do discreet eating because the earth turns around to reveal what people eat.

In the enlightening pages of this insightful book are organic truths that will bring you into a new consciousness that meal determines quality of life and destinies of men.


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