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A disciplined life is a useful life set aside for a given purpose. Self-discipline is one of the surest way to protect our lives. A disciplined life is a great treasure. Men are made ready for God’s visitation through discipline. Nobody can see anything clearly except he has discipline to look at definite direction. Some destinies must stay with themselves until they win their lives battles. The spirit of vision determines how visionaries should live. When there is discipline, God will find it difficult to hide Himself from men. Nothing destroys lives of men faster than indiscipline. If a man takes something God did not give him, it will disconnect him from what God will give him. Whatever will affect the earth tremendously will take something from a man. Disciplined men are most important people on earth.


Moreover, willingness to accomplish our lives vision must compel us to live by the dictates of vision. Any spirit that must enthrone us must control the way we live and what to pay to fulfil vision. God gives vision to useful, relevant and preserved men. All that God used to accomplish mighty purposes were first preserved by vision. The uniqueness of vision makes men fellowship with it constantly to enable them win battles against vision destroyers. So, values of men are invariably measured in vision. Hence, there is no valuable visionless men. The best is always produced out of men as the spirit of vision gags them. Visionaries are special people to God. The best thing we can do with time is to wait on vision. Every destiny counts on time to be fulfilled. God believes in process, so visionaries through patience unravels all that vision embodies and develop values needful for accomplishment. How fast God unveils vision to us depends on our submission to the demands of vision. Patience is a great character, so the life story of every visionary is told in his character.


Again, God is a visionary Spirit who accomplishes divine purposes in chosen seasons. Visions are born with its time of fulfillment that trains visionaries on the use of time. God doesn’t pay price for men’s vision. If we refuse to pay price to accomplish our vision, God will be compelled to ignore what we are seeing. Vision compels men to lose their humanity so that they can put on the divinity of God. The person of God can only be introduced to the earth by visionary men. So, every visionary should not only think of what he will accomplish but also what he will become. The transformation of visionaries is the most important achievement of vision.


Consequently, God preserves the values of men to accomplish His vision. Vision preserves lives of men and visionlessness blinds them. How powerful men are is interpreted by their preservation which determines what God can achieve through them. Vision develops impeccability for visionaries to hide themselves in it. Keeping your eyes on the mark is very crucial. Whatever you need to accomplish the very purpose of your life is already in you waiting to be harvested. Those who lack discipline deny God. Looking at everywhere is as dangerous as not looking anywhere. Vision prospers through discipline. Those who are made subject to vision are never lost. They will always know what to do and when to do them. The way we invest our lives and time is controlled by what we see. There is a spirit in every man that determines where the man looks at. God will never deny men the entitlement of what they have become. Since God rules the earth through the vision of men, any man who is not living for any purpose can’t exercise lasting dominion on earth.


Furthermore, discipline empowers visionaries to keep watch over vision. It is the efforts of watchmen to dress and keep vision that makes them custodians of vision. The image and likeness of God in man is represented by vision, so developing a single eye to fulfil the vision is the glory of every watchman. This is very imperative because men are made prosperous from the provisions of vision.


Conclusively, those who lost their lives to vision don’t turn. Men have to save their lives in discovering of purpose before losing it to vision. Every life is made perfect in accomplishing the only purpose that life was created for. The values of every work determines what it will take to accomplish it and who accomplishes it. The best way to live is to die. Any life that is laid down can’t be lost.


The path of vision is not always smooth, but discipline and focus will always sustain visionaries. It is the battles spirit of vision has won that God exposes visionaries to. Vision enforces tenacity, so tough people are made in tough paths. The experiences that crowns produce from crown-wearers is more important than the crown. God is too righteous and trustworthy to deny men whatever they deserve to have.


Encapsulated in the enlightening pages of this book are impactful words that will empower you to embrace discipline that you might fulfill your life’s vision.

Make it a must read!



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