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A disciple is a representative of his master in character. This is why discipleship involves a lot of impartations, educating and mentoring. This makes disciples desire to be like their masters. A true disciple of Jesus Christ must allow the word of God to abide in him so that God can depend on such intimacy to preserve his life. Character building is very crucial, but takes a lot of time and effort because it connects directly to destiny. The life of every visionary is designed to be patterned by vision. What disciples see is far more important to them than what they are taught. Covenant heads must learn to live exemplary lives to be positive influences to followers.

However, every disciple should live by the instruction of his master, learning continuously through intimate fellowship. There are several principal factors that separate disciples from themselves. The way a disciple responds to his master’s instructions determines how he relates with him. So, it will take unique disciples to accomplish special assignments for their masters. The only value that life has is what is accomplished through it. This is why the work of God is more important to Him than the lives of men. After all, God created work before He made us. The only relevance that men have is earth’s importance. Anybody who denies the very work of his life has denied his existence. Indolence denies men the experience of the past and makes mockery of the future. It is very imperative that disciples lay down their lives for their vision so as to be preserved by it. The life stories of disciples are told in their masters. All lives that are laid down are useful and made relevant by vision.

Masters share their light with their disciples through teaching them. Eagerness to learn is a sign of submissive followership. For all dedicated disciples following will not be difficult if we delight in learning from the master. God will always empower our exploits through continuous impartation. Works have the power to transform the lives of men. Anyone who finds it difficult to learn have no light in him. God preserves power in mysteries. Men lose their lives when they let out the secrets designed to preserve them. The gap between masters and their disciple is made in secrets that masters must not make known to their followers.

More so, disciples should desire to please their masters and serve effectively and sacrificially. To follow successfully, we need to study the master. The greatest thing our will can achieve is to do the will of God. Unique disciples are known for their amazing supports and are determined to prosper the works of their masters. A disciple is someone who looks continuously at the mirror of God’s word to take the nature of Christ. The attention disciples pay to the infallible word of God establishes their personal relationship with Christ and preserves them in His eternal presence. Discipleship is all about fellowship and intimacy that gives access to the inner thought of a master. There is unavoidable human part to whatever God desires to accomplish on earth. The greatest miracle God accomplishes in the lives of men is to reveal Himself to them. God is as near as how He reveals Himself to us. What the light of God achieves in us enables us to follow diligently. Great destinies can’t be accomplished without great character. it takes being peculiar to be close to a master.

Conclusively, all disciples don’t have the same value in the sight of their masters. Unique disciples are known in their valuable achievements. Those who are made unique by God delight in sharing their divine values with others. Great legacies can only be preserved by exceptional disciples. God accomplishes extraordinary feats when there are unique disciples. It is an awesome thing for a man to accept the unusual for God. The impossible can always be achieved if we can see the invisible. God actually needs you for what only you can accomplish for Him and you must not disappoint Him. The controversial messianic nature of this season is making demand on very unique people and you are one of them.

The enlightening pages of this book is compelling us to take up our crosses and follow Jesus.


Make it a must read.

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