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Those who tolerate malice in their hearts can never be innocent. Keeping malice is an evil act that disconnects believers from the favor of God. If our hearts are comfortable with malice, then our minds are not renewed by the word of God. Not getting along with a particular person must not lead to malice and unforgiving. Believers who enthrone malice in their hearts will lose battles of sickness, infirmities, poverty and death. Offenses can’t cease in an imperfect world, but someone created in the image and likeness of God should be a channel of perfect love.

God doesn’t keep record of wrongs. We unburden our hearts when we forgive those that offended us. Unforgiveness makes men smaller than who they are. If you tie people in your heart through acrimony and unforgiveness, God will not have any place in you. Maturity must encourage us to overlook grievances. If we forgive those who offend us, God will surely forgive us. Saviours don’t keep malice because the way that leads to the top is associated with offences. Joseph and Jesus needed to forgive their betrayers because they saw the future gain of their ill-behaviors towards them.

However, ability to forgives quickly is what makes us firstborns. Patience like love must have enduring power. There are other Biblical options for difficult and complicated situations, but the opportunity for peace and loving forgiveness. is inexhaustible. The way we handle offenses reveals how close we are to God.

My advice to all dreamers/saviours is not to allow themselves to be distracted by those who are not living for any defined purpose. Malice and unforgiveness are twin vampires that can’t be separated from subtracted lives. Vision fences the hearts of men. Negative things will always make the positive appreciable and more visible. People who are captured with vision don’t find it difficult to finish with the act of visionlessness and devaluation. We must choose between malice and the Holy Spirit. If we refuse to fence our hearts from malice and acrimony, God will be compelled to disconnect from us. There is nothing that drinks the river of our joy and vandalize the citadel of our peace like malice. This is crucial because satan will depend on malice, unnecessary grievances and hatred to keep your heart because out of it flows the issues of life.

Consequently, you must keep darkness out of your heart because tolerating it in your life will lead to depletion of your value. We can’t deny the prompt of anger, but we must not harbor irreconcilable differences. There is no sin that can’t be forgiven. Nothing is as important as the peace that the light of the Holy Spirit shades in our heart. We must make godly character the evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit. We should reduce this deceptive charismatism and focus on enduring character that can preserve our testimony. Malice is a vampire we must not allow to grow in our hearts.

Love bears all things. It is not what people did against us that matters, but our willingness to forgive. Love is purposeful, objective and very patient. God opens the eyes of understanding of men when they are filled with His love and He also doesn’t keep His secrets from them. You need to have understanding to be outstanding. Since love endures all things, sometimes we should just forgive people for the sake of the Lord. To sincerely deal with the issue of malice, we must learn to overlook certain things.

Conclusively, malice devalues the souls of men which is the fortress of their being. When we forgive those who offended us, we enlist our hearts for exploits. The closer we are to God, the more difficult it will be for us to keep malice. Holding grudges against one another divides the church. This is the time of perfection, unity and love. Leaders must learn to be strong to give the weak all the support they can get. We must take new decision to sanctify a spiritual climate that can favor the prophetic plan of God for this season. We can say with Apostle Paul, “is no longer I that live, but Christ is alive in me” and we will definitely live like Him. Forgiving those who offended us preserves our hearts. The preserved hearts of visionary men are gifts of God.

As you peruse through the pages of this enlightening book, it will fill your heart with the love of God.


Make it a must read.

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