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The true self of every man is hidden in the man waiting to be unveiled. Men take charge of themselves when they create their true selves. The greatest achievement of every man is to create his true self. Rebecca gave birth to Jacob but Jacob created Israel. Jacob’s ability to create Israel was why God preferred him to Esau. God hated Esau because he lacked the ability to create his true self. Men start living after they have created their true selves. The true self of every man is the visionary personality in the man. He is also the second person of the man’s thought. It is the true self of every man that represents him before God. The place of every man in God is reserved for his true self. God consults the true selves of men before He gives them destinies. The true self of every man is the hiding place of the man. In fact, the best place for every man to hide is in his true self.

It was possible for the man Jesus to conquer death because He hid Himself in Christ His true self. Men win the greatest battle of their lives as they create their true selves. The capital assignment of the man Jesus was to create Christ. Calling Christ into existence revealed the true value of the man Jesus. We are all meant to relate with future and establish our destinies through our recreated selves. It is only those who created their true selves that can actually be free from manipulation and deception.

The best gift any man can give to himself and the world is his created true self. It is only the true self of a man that can be his higher self. The higher self of every man is the greatest thing the man can ever be.

God incarnated His word before He gave birth to Christ. When the man Jesus created Christ His true self, He became one with the word of God. The more we unveil ourselves, the clearer we see God. It is only those who create their true selves that God will depend on to create things. The true self of every man is his immortal self. The difference between one man and another man is in what the second person of the man makes out of him. The messianism of the Lamb of God was possible because the man Jesus created Christ. If the messianism of the Lion of Judah will be achieved, a man must create Him. Spirits can only function on earth from their houses in men. It was possible for the man Jesus to present Christ to the world because He paid an undivided attention to Himself. It is the price Jesus paid that revealed Christ to the world and if the Lion of Judah must be presented to the world, the needed price must be paid. We must avoid the mistake of the Jews in this millennium.

The Jews brutally killed Jesus because they didn’t know that Christ can only be part of the earth as a true self of a man. Because the earth is a realm of man, no spirit can function on earth except from a man. Those who are presently believing that Jesus will return from the cloud are already making the same mistake the Jews made. The Lion of Judah will be presented to the world as the true self of a man and it is only the man that houses Him that can present Him to the world. We need to explore all the opportunities creating our true selves provides for us. When Jesus created Christ, His oneness with the word of God granted Him the opportunity to be the creator of His mother. Nothing deals with life and family limitations like creating our true selves.

I profoundly appreciate the Holy Spirit for inspiring me to write a book that has this depth of revelation and insight. Make it a must read.


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