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Man is the guardian angel of the destiny of God on earth. God’s dominion mandate empowers men to deputize for God in ruling over creation. The distortion in the image and likeness of God in man after fall motivated rebellion from created order against man. God initiated a restoration programme to return man to his original image. Man was brought to fellowship with God through the sacrificial price of Jesus Christ. Feeding on the new instructions of God’s word has ever sustained man in God’s presence.

 Chris Christian’s parchments volume (4) was condensed from some of the messages I preached on Tuesdays and Fridays in the year 2022. I decided to transcribe the message into writing so that you can have access to the whole messages in one book. By the grace of God, I know the of revelation. Whatever separates a man from what he is meant to know will definitely make him smaller than himself. Because the eye is more powerful than the ears, reading a book is better than listening to a message.

Revelations are preserved when they are documented. I went through the rigorous process of writing this book because I know that I will connect you to the enviable destiny of this abnormal millennium. The life of God is His word but the word of God rules through its light.

The progressive journey of man in relationship with God started from days of innocence, to conscience, to government, to promise, Law and prophets to Grace and Truth and lastly to the coming of the Lion of Judah in Vengeance. God will never have destiny on earth except man gives it to Him. So what God can accomplish on earth is moderated by the values men provided for Him. There is a healing power in the light of God’s word. Photons of divine energy floods into souls of men of men to enlighten them. Producing health and prosperity etc. There is need for us to study discreetly and learning information relating to our fruitful growth in destiny. The mystery of the Lion of Judah will definitely manifest to consummate the glorious works of the Lamb. Every man must fetch the oil of his destiny. This is talking about laboring or working the work of your discovered destiny that you might wear the crown of accomplishment. When men finish their courses, kept the faith then the oil of their faithful labour is poured like a crown of reward on them. Greatness is not cheap. It will take burning and living sacrificially to become known. Seeds of honour will rise out of darkness through wounds and burning. Spirits wear robe of their authority, power and dominion.

Consequently, the need to perfect spirits in all realm is one of the reasons Lion of Judah’s coming is inevitable. This Father of all spirits is also the Father of light. Winning life battles with sword of your revelation is very important. Whatever is a mystery, satan can’t fight. You can choose not to be sick. Be mindful of your spiritual hedge and flooding your soul with light of God’s word though meditation. Keep declaring God’s word in your victory and dominion over grave and satan which was obtained for you. The earth is being ruled by spirits from heaven through their human agents.

Furthermore, the last millennium is an Africa millennium. The throne of God is not only in one place in Africa but in family. It is a throne upon seeds. God’s word embodies His power. God’s word is God. As His word is shared, His life is transferred into men.

Chris Christian’s parchment volume (2) has forty-five chapters like volume (1). If you are reading this volume, I also recommend volume (1), (2) and (3) to you. The book you are reading doesn’t only have my secrets, it also has part of my life. Perusing through its enlightening pages will empower you to share in all the hidden truths in it. I sincerely recommend it for you because of the riches of its revelation.

Encapsulated in this volume are different intensities of light of God’s word. Be blessed as you read.


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