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By the special grace of God, I have published over 200 books and one of the secrets behind this exploit is that I jot down revelations and information in my lesson notes. A lot of revelations and visions have been lost because they were not written down. Whatever you write in your jotter is written in your mind. Documenting important revelations and information is an important aspect of our spiritual and mental development. Revelations and information are saved when they are written down. Writing down inspiring words connects us to those that said them and why they were said. Writing improves the mental value of writers. The spirits of men live in their words.

Chris Christian’s Parchment volume (2) was condensed from some of the messages I preached on Tuesdays and Fridays in the year 2020. I decided to translate the messages into written words to preserve them. It also made the messages handy. The messages were improved as they were being translated into written words. Over time, I have discovered that reading a book is better than listening to a message. The words in a book are always for the book.

Revelations are very important in the sight of God. Writing revelations and information down transforms the lives of people. Any revelation or information that is written down is saved. I received a personal discipline to document revelations because of the ugly experiences I have had in the past. There were numerous life-transforming revelations that I lost because I didn’t write them down. Because I was inexperienced, the revelations that God unveiled to me in the nights were forgotten before I woke up in the morning. I also lost so many inspiring songs that the Lord gave me in the dream. Don’t read any good book without a jotter by your side. That you are alive is a sign that there are so much to learn. Learning preserves and improves our lives. God believes that He has improved our lives when He reveals new things to us. Writing revelations down improves them in our minds. Writing revelations down is one of the ways we improve the value of our minds. It also helps us to discover ourselves.

God introduces Himself to us through what He reveals to us. It is also through what He reveals to us that He introduces us to ourselves. When Jesus came to the earth as the Lamb of God, He didn’t write but when He comes as the Lion of Judah, He will involve Himself with a lot of writing. He is a capital Prophet like Moses. Because He will spearhead the finishing of mysteries. His brightness will fill the earth just as the water covers the sea. Revelations can be converted into thought as we write them down. Since revelation is the currency of God, God believes that He has blessed us when He reveals secret things to us. We deny the price we pay to access a particular revelation when we lose it. This is why you need a parchment. Each time we go for a retreat or a set apart, we must go with a jotter. Losing deep truths we need to forge our destinies might delay us. God believes we appreciate things He reveals to us when we write them down. Through writing down revelations, God preserves our lives. When we write down what God reveals to us, it prepares our hearts to see more and clearer. God unfolds our lives through the things He reveals to us. Men cultivate their hearts through writing down revelations on papers.

You came in contact with this book because of the numerous prices you paid to make your life count. This book is one of the greatest gifts God has given you out of His infinite kindness. It is possible that you might meet unfamiliar nuggets, this is why I advise you to read it with a jotter. Those that jot down revelations care for their lives. Writing down revelations empowers you to stay focused. It also keeps your heart on the mark. God shares His life with men in sharing secrets with them. If revelations have the everlasting life of God, we must receive the discipline to write them down. One of the ways to know how important anything is to us is how we treat it. Those that treat God’s revelations with disdain dishonours the Person of God. Don’t wait for morning before you write down the revelations because you might forget them.

Chris Christian’s parchment volume (2) has forty-five chapters like volume (1). If you are reading this volume, I also recommend volume (1) to you. The book you are reading doesn’t only have my secrets, it also has part of my life. Perusing through its enlightening pages will empower you to share in all the hidden truths in it. I sincerely recommend it for you because of the riches of its revelation. Make it a must-read.

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