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Calvary is a place of victory; it was the way that led Jesus to the heavenly throne. The value of Jesus’ life was revealed in His sacrificial death. The place of sacrifice is an altar of victory. All sacrificial items belong to God which is why sacrifice can’t end because God exercises dominion on earth through it. Sacrifice is more efficacious than warfare prayer. Jesus conquered satan and death through sacrifice. God builds our destiny with what He gets from us and not from what He gives us. Jesus died both to rule and reign.

Sacrifice enjoys ultimate the power of God’s divine Omnipotence. Very strong enemies can only be won through painful sacrifices. When Jesus breathed His last on the cross, Christ was released to keep satan and death in permanent chains. Thrones can only be built after victory is achieved. Jesus is still bleeding because thrones make demand on continuous sacrifice at a place of contention. The earth thrives on the continuous sacrifices of men. Men must depend on their sacrifices to build where God hides them.

However, it is only a life that was once laid down that can be taken back. laying our lives down for a purpose after we have adequately invested in it is very paramount. The dominion we enjoy on earth is determined by the measure of our submission to God. There has to be a giving of our lives to God in sacrifice before purpose can be achieved. Life on earth is characterized with battles. We must be very economical in the use of our ability and skill in winning battles.

Selflessness is a vital tool in winning dangerous battles. God will not protect any life He didn’t get anything from. While sacrifice makes the righteous winners, selfishness makes the stingy losers. The blessings that God releases from heaven are paid for from the earth.

Jesus died to win the devil. Fighting is not as important as knowing how to win because victory needs to be sustained. So Jesus being clothed with Christ before the cross was raised back to life. Whosoever is born of God can’t lose battle to satan.

Moreover, Jesus Christ is self-existent just like God. Housing of Christ by Jesus introduced Him to the awesome divinity of God. God depended on the eternal life of Jesus to achieve mighty purposes. Although the cruel death of Jesus on the cross was excruciatingly very painful, it was His destiny. It is very imperative that we discover our destiny and give it everything. Just as the cross is older than Jesus, so is your destiny. Every destiny connects to another destiny. Life is lived two times. Firstly, spiritually and secondly, physically. This is why in the bidding to fulfill the destiny of God on earth, man is as important as God. Destiny must be paid for. When Jesus paid for the destiny of Christ, it became His own destiny. So, to gain Christ, Jesus lost His life. We are as important as the destiny God establishes through us.

It is awesome to endure pain associated with glory. God sustains Himself on earth through the sacrificial pain of wounded men. Except God wounds men, He will not be part of them. To endure visionary pains can be possible for those who are sure of what they see. It is the price that men pay to obtain a name that sustains the honour and power of their names. Whatever reigns on earth is established through the sacrifices of men. So whatever God is ready to give us we should pay to take.

Conclusively, the visionary Christ enhanced the human value of the man Jesus to enable him purchase us for God. Every life is remembered by what is accomplished through it. Calvary is useful in taking us to God. The omnipotence of sacrifice is awesome in ruling both heaven and the earth. Fruitfulness, multiplication and dominion can only be possible through sacrifice. Purchasing the church through the death and resurrection of Jesus reveals how precious we are to God.

Power is a function of eyes, not effort. Nothing can be hidden from the all-seeing eyes of God. So, Jesus saw the end of His life before He was born Christ. Jesus got ready for the cross because that was His exist gate from the earth. The crown of life can only be worn by those who discover their destinies and get ready for it. Foreknowledge leads to justification and glorification. Everything God made Jesus was in Christ. Men should not look for their destinies because they were born with it.

Perusing this revelational book will add value to your life.

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