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Incarnation is the highest form of intimacy with God. Only incarnate men can behold the similitude of God. Each time God desires to reveal Himself to men, He incarnates a particular Spirit to determine who houses Him. It is an awesome experience for a man to behold the similitude of God. Only through the gagging of men by incarnate spirits can they look like God. Looking is good, but dangerous because we all reflect what we look at and what we see must be maximized. Definite looking inspires rich transformation. We all live for the spirit in us. The best and most powerful men are those who live for incarnate spirits. Understanding the limitless power of learning from an incarnate spirit is amazing. God cares about our impartation because it connects us to destiny. Anyone who has a definite purpose to accomplish must care about his transformation. Men win great battles in their transformation. A man who has an incarnate spirit in him can’t be separated from God. Incarnate men behold the incarnate spirits in them. These incarnate spirits create the heaven of God for incarnate men and exist in it. God speaks from the heaven of the incarnate spirits in men.

However, the principal value of incarnate spirits is their brightness and shinning their lights on incarnate men to make them gods. The God in every dispensation is an incarnate spirit which must function through a man. There are deeps that only God teaches. Any revelation that must conquer satan must come directly from God. This age needs the light of the Lion of Judah to be declared. In this dispensation of Vengeance, God will still have only one servant. Every other minister in this age of Vengeance is a servant of the Lion of Judah. It is a mystery to be looking at yourself and seeing God. Since God hides Himself in men, anyone who must see Him, must keep looking at himself. Looking at God reveals us. It is not always possible for any man that houses God to be subjected to any form of distraction. If a man has the chance to look around, then he is a not gagged. God will never separate Himself from men who house Him. This is why God must take us before we can give ourselves to Him.

Consequently, looking at yourself is running towards God. When looking at ourselves harvests the trapped divinity of God in us, we will not lack what we need. The highest form of enlightenment is self-birth. It is the personal learning of self-teachers that produces gods from mere men. Self-birth will not be possible without travailing. New things will not happen on earth until die-hard travailers are born.

Men become gods when God takes their lives. God only takes the lives of those who took His. An incarnate man is someone who lost his life because he took the life of God. Anyone that unveils God will live for Him. No one seeks the nakedness of God and live for himself. Men can only take the life of God in them. If the third Testament is to be established, a man must take the life of the Lion of Judah and lose his own life. Living as gods empowers men to live for God.

Again, God lost His life to live as light. We can’t have access to His revelational life except we are chosen by incarnation. This is why the manifestation of the Lion of Judah must involve the unveiling of the light encapsulated in the Spirit of Vengeance to end mysteries.

Lastly, predestination determines where we must look at and things we must see. The fellowship of incarnate men with the light of incarnate Spirits determines the type of miracle God accomplishes through them. Except the Lion of Judah is unveiled, this millennium can’t be declared. Only incarnate men can learn from God. The word of Vengeance has the Spirit and life of the Lion of Judah. Beholding the similitude of the Lord involves learning from God. There are deep things only God teaches. The end of all things will come when God incarnates the Lion of Judah with every light that He has.

This revelational book is blessed with rich insights.


Make it a must read.



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