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All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of Bible. The essence of life is to bear fruits. To sow our lives is the only opportunity we have to multiply. The will of God for man is to replenish the earth and have dominion over the works of His hand. The legacy of God is established on earth through the dominion of men. Through fruitfulness men introduce their values to God. Only the fruitful can multiply and can only be possible through death. Any seed that refuses to die will surely abide alone. Desiring to have dominion without making necessary sacrifices is a mere act of manipulation. Man was created in the image and likeness of God’s dominion. Each time God desires to exercise dominion on earth, He takes the nature of man. This is why it is only a man that loses his nature that can take the nature of God. All who are born of God are sacrificial. You can’t keep your life and take the life of God.

However, God hates barrenness. Multiplication is the only way dominion can be established on earth. This is why barrenness doesn’t usually survive when it is vehemently resisted through painful sacrifices. The moment we align our desire to the word of God concerning fruitfulness, dominion will be inevitable. To fill our souls with the light of God’s word in a very rigorous exercise, but the reward is amazing. It is the nature and intensity of light in our soul that determines the kind of fruits we bear. Nothing enriches the soul like discreet impartation by the incorruptible word of God. The multiplication power of God’s word is awesome. Fruitfulness and dominion will not be difficult when the soul is prosperous. The most plausible work men accomplish is working on themselves.

The Holy Spirit is a fruit-bearing Spirit that inspires fruitfulness. Any life that encumbers space on earth doesn’t need to be tolerated. Men abuse the primary essence of their lives when they are fruitless. There are enemies that will naturally fear us when they see the bountiful fruits of our lives. Lack of fruits attacks the glory of God on earth. The value of every life is what is achieved through it.

Consequently, men declare themselves irrelevant and lifeless when they are fruitless. God is business-conscious. Bearing fruits is one of the capital ways to attract God’s favor. Our closeness to God is determined by the degree of our fruitfulness. God will not be part of any life that can’t bear fruits. In dominion, bearing fruits is far more important than prayers. Bearing fruits will be inevitable when perishability is clothed with imperishability. Nothing is more important and valuable like producing imperishability from a grassy man. God’s word has fruit-bearing nature and whatever it achieves in our lives lasts forever. The fruits men bear represents their values before God. The dominion we are expected to fulfil is that of our life’s assignments. Any time God desires to enhance our values, He expects us to bear more and improved fruits. It is what the word of God produces from us that God multiplies. Anyone who bears fruits is preserved by it.

Conclusively, God does not separate Himself from fruit-bearers. The quality and quantity of fruits we bear represent how close we are to God. Seeing what God is showing us is very important aspect of fruit-bearing life. Anyone who is one with God’s word can’t stop bearing fruits. Whatever keeps God out of a man’s life will destroy the man. Any kingdom or dominion that harbors fruitless people will be annihilated. God doesn’t give men dominion over the work of His hand, but over the works of their hands. God only incarnates men when He wants a stupendous harvest. There is no other way God could have gotten more than two billion Christians outside incarnating Jesus Christ. The reason God will incarnate Himself in this millennium is still to bear fruit. Fruit-bearing is everything to God.

Perusing through the pages of this enlightening book, you will be inspired to bear more lasting fruits.


Make it a must read.

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