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To be successful in this world of wolves, we must be as harmless as doves. Doves are singled-eyed and this is why they are gentle and harmless. All singled-eyed people are enlightened, unperturbed and harmless. The single eye of doves speaks of their focus and definiteness. Much can’t be achieved through people who are easily distracted. It is amazing to be single eyed because of the transformation and enlightenment it produces. It is always difficult for God to hide His secrets from single-eyed people.

Jesus Christ was successful because He was harmless. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and bringing in subjection all things to the obedience of Christ. The controversial messianism of Jesus thrived in the midst of very harsh adversity because He was harmless. Like a sheep to the slaughter Jesus refused to open his mouth. God wants us to be harmless. The gospel of the grace of God is the gospel of peace and reconciliation. Jesus Christ came to bring those that were far near and it was only through peace that He achieved it. Those who desire to be protected by God must be harmless. Christ clothed Jesus to make Him harmless. It is not possible for a fallen man to be free from violence.

However, it is only those whose lives are preserved by the Spirit of vision that can be harmless. Those who are single-eyed and vision-based hate to be distracted. It will not be difficult for those who are preserved to be harmless. The visionary Christ tamed the life of Jesus to follow the sacrificial life of the cross. The Holy Spirit is a visionary Spirit that depends on vision to make believers harmless. It is not possible for visionless men to avoid violence. When men are not sure of what to live for, they give themselves to whatever that shows up.

There will always be violence where sin reigns. Adam gave birth to Cain the murderer outside the Garden of Eden where sin reigned. The fallen nature of Adam introduced evil and violence into the destiny of man. Death became part of man through violence. Outside the garden of vision, Adam was confused and not sure of what to live for. Outside the garden of Eden, Adam lost the charge of his life. Adam gave birth to a murderer because he was visionless. All murderers are visionless people.

While on the cross, Jesus prayed for those that killed Him because He knew that those who lived by sword shall perish by it. If we must walk successfully as sheep in the midst of wolves, we must be harmless. All preserved lives are harmless. The nature of everything connects it to destiny. Doves are preserved because of their harmlessness.

When Adam was spewed out of the garden of vision, he embraced violence which led him to death. It could only have taken the evil of fall for Adam to give birth to a murderer like Cain. The cruelty that motivated Cain to kill his younger brother was a product of fall. The bitterness that motivated Cain to desire to kill his blood brother was why Jesus came to the earth. All who are in Christ Jesus are made harmless by the blood of redemption. To be harmless is not weakness, it is divine ability to invest strength purposefully. To be violent is to reflect the valuelessness of the fallen earth.

God can only be represented in harmlessness. There is no assignment that has source in God that is associated with violence. When Satan started war in heaven, he was cast down with his angels because heaven is a domain of peace and tranquility. A city made in the utter brightness of the most High God will never tolerate the aggression of an over-ambitious cherub like Lucifer.

We need to be clothed with the light of God’s word if we must be harmless. What the light of God’s word achieves in us will always be controlled by how God will use us. Harmlessness is a state of inner harmony that can only be achieved through the word of God. Men become harmless when their vile humanity is clothed with the divinity of God. Because of the Omnipotence of God’s word, Satan hates preachers because of how they depend on God’s word to tame his nefarious activities. The fallen earth preserves those who heal her through the impartation of God’s word. All who are enlightened by the word of God will always be as harmless as the dove.

Writing this inspirational book imparted my life tremendously and I know God that God has so much for you in it. The Holy Spirit has so much to teach you through its enlightening pages.

Make a must read!

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