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What God will achieve through us in this millennium is controlled by what we know about the millennium. It is what God achieves in us that will determine what He will achieve through us. God will always depend on what men know about a particular age to determine what He will achieve through them in that age. Our value in the sight of God controls all that He will reveal to us. What men know controls how they relate with what they see. What we have knowledge of points to our destinies.

This is a weird season. This weird season is meant for weird people. What is normal and conventional cannot reign in a weird season. The weird and controversial nature of this season have made it an African millennium. It is what God wants to accomplish that determines those He will use to accomplish it. The hidden things of God sustain His presence in the midst of men. God does not separate what He gives us from what He takes from us. It is not possible to get anything tangible from God without losing something tangible to God.

Africa is set aside for all that God wants to accomplish in this economic millennium. Time has brought favour to Africa and upon Africans. Time itself is a creation of God that determines when things happen. It is also a creation of God that prevents everything from happening at once. Time controls what God accomplishes in the midst of men in different seasons. God depends on time to fulfill destinies. The first man God created was an African man. God started His journey in Africa because of the uniqueness of the land of Africa. The destiny of this millennium is tied to Africa and all that Africans can provide for God. If this is an African millennium, Africans must be repositioned to fulfill their prophetic destinies. Time and favour have declared Africa irreplaceable in this millennium. The desire to be part of whatever God wants to accomplish in any season must persuade us to study time. There is time for everything. God achieves different purposes at different times. Time is a very powerful tool in the hand of God. Nothing remains the same all the time. Those who know the value of time take advantage of it. Understanding of time brings people in front of others. The children of Issachar were leaders in Israel because they had understanding of time. When it was time for God to free Israel from bondage, He sent Moses but when it was time for Him to accomplish the redemption of man, He sent Jesus Christ. Time has provided an opportunity for God to come to the earth as the Lion of Judah so as to consummate the work that the Lamb started.

There is a new messianic Star in the spiritual firmament of Africa. This particular time-regulating and life-giving luminary body appeared to announce a new season in Africa. We need those who have knowledge of stars to take us to the particular manger where this Star can be found. Not being able to trace this Star to its messianic human house is what is delaying the programme of God for this millennium. Many are praying but only few can see. Too much prayer without seeing mocks the power and efficacy of prayers.

If the will of God must be accomplished in this millennium, we must transform the spiritual firmament of Africa. The favour that accompanies the season of God is made manifest through the sanctified effort of chosen men. Whatever God will accomplish on earth is determined by the efforts of men.

If Arica must fulfill her prophetic destiny in this millennium, she must be repositioned. Men’s destinies will always be elevated through sacrifice. Repositioning Africa must involve knowing what we ought to do. Having the understanding of time should control how we invest our lives, what we seek, where we go and how to invest our resources. God is ready to unveil the hidden things of this particular millennium to Africans because this is African millennium. What God achieves through us is controlled by the way we relate with the personal endowments of our lives. How Africans relate with the ruling revelations of this season will determine whether God will reposition her or not.

The man Jesus became timeless when He put on Christ. The most important experience of every life is to transform from being time-controlled to being timeless. Africans must produce saviours who are timeless to declare the destiny of the last millennium.

The Jews came in front of the world when they produced luminary personalities like Moses and Jesus Christ. Men like Moses and Jesus Christ were towers of preservation that separated the spiritual firmament of the Jews from the spiritual firmaments of other Gentile nations. God crowns lands from the spiritual firmaments of gods. The heaven over a particular land determines the relevance of the land. God originated from the east but set His sovereign throne in the north. The north is a product of the east. It was what God gets from the east that He depended on to establish Himself in the north. God is an Eastern God. There is something about the origin of things and its nativity. If we must understand God and His divine actions, we must connect Him to the eastern origin. The crown-wearing Messiah who God will depend on to declare the age of Vengeance is an eastern man. Everything that is important to God and everything that rules have origin from the east. The east is always the hometown of God. Uniting with God in perfect oneness is the privilege of the eastern man. The east is the centre of the world. The glory of Africa is with the east. The east of the edenic paradise was where the eastern man was established. Being a man of the east connotes being a native of God’s village.

There are numerous deep eschatological secrets encapsulated in the enlightening pages of this book. Make it a must read.

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