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This particular book is personally dedicated to you because it is not just that you are meant to rise, this is your time to rise. Through the prophetic voice of this motivational piece, God is commanding the unique people of this season to defeat the enemy of the corner and move on to the next level of life. It is either you rise as a head from the corner or you become a chief cornerstone. Rising from the corner as a head is synonymous to being the chief cornerstone.

Jesus courageously became the head of the corner despite the numerous oppositions that vehemently resisted Him. Jesus Christ was born in a precarious environment that was filled with good-for-nothing miscreants. He was a victim of a grievously afflicted extraction that was made ready for death. Jesus Christ became the head of the corner to teach us how to rise. To rise inflicted Jesus Christ with deadly wounds. Jesus went to the cross to consummate His rising. Although the Jews of Jesus’ days didn’t believe in Him, He believed in Himself. Both the vigour and willingness to rise was inculcated in the spiritual and mental building of Jesus. The unique endowments of Jesus were evidently revealed in the midst of countless oppositions. The way we are wired will always determine what God will accomplish through us. Jesus Christ did extraordinary things to rise because He was built to rise. As an anointed servant of God, rising was inculcated in His DNA. Because the visionary impulse and surpassing influence of the incarnate Christ overwhelmed Jesus, the only option He had was to rise from the corner. God invests a lot of energy in fashioning lives that are meant for the altitude with undeniable abilities. Those who are built with grace are made manifest in exceptional character, doggedness, determination, astuteness, impeccability and unusual aspiration for hard-work. The root that produced us represents itself in the way we are made. The legendary legacy of Judah’s generation was made manifest in the unique abilities of Jesus Christ.

David’s valour to defeat and kill Goliath was a manifest evidence of his source. David had the mental capacity to see Goliath the way Goliath ought to be seen. David saw Goliath with the visionary eyes of his strength before killing him. One of the reasons why people fail in life is because they lack the ability to see things the way those things should be seen. Men win great battles in making impactful discoveries.

All who apprehended great future first saw it. Jesus knew that He had the capacity to take back His life if He lays it down. When He abolished death, He brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. The journey of Jesus out of the corner started from within. The visionary Christ transformed the man Jesus to establish His rising. However, anybody that must rise from a disadvantaged environment to a place of glory needs the value of his preservation. The taunting challenges that obstructed the way of the manger were subverted from the place of preservation.

The stone that the builders rejected surprisingly became the head of the corner. The rejection of Jesus by the Jews was the will of God. Jesus Christ needed to have been rejected to accomplish redemption. It is the level of spiritual and mental exposure that determines how we relate with the relevant revelations of our time. The rejection of Jesus revealed the stuff He was made of. Although Jesus was rejected and crucified, He didn’t reject Himself. The rejection of Jesus manifested His astuteness and the depth of His conviction.

Rising must involve the will of man. There is nothing as strong as the will of man; and seeing future clearly strengthens the will of man. Those who have the will to rise will not always be kept down. The Holy Spirit inspires and empowers believers to come out of the corner. However, to come out the corner, we must pay enough attention to ourselves. Those who desire to come out of the corner need to fight their way out.

Our willingness and desire to come out of the corner will always attract trials to saints. Jesus Christ became the chief cornerstone because He was tested, tried and approved. It is only someone who successfully passed through trials that can be a sure foundation. God will never trust any life that is not tried. God will never put crown on heads that are not tested. The trials of faith are so precious in the sight of God. It is the divine value fire produces from men that houses God. God will never separate Himself from tried saints. It is through tried saints that God preserves the earth. A messiah that God tried and approved must not be rejected by men. Although Jesus was rejected by His people, the rich value that the trial of faith produced from Him protected Him from the vehement oppositions and treachery of the deluded Jews. Divinity is revealed through the fire of trials. The process that immortalizes the mortal must involve trials. Whosoever that survived the trials of faith can’t be mocked. Jesus needed to have been crucified to sit on the heavenly throne.

The path that must lead messiahs out of the corner is made in the light of God’s word. The path that leads out of the corner is hidden and it is only those that have light that can find it. Nothing is more devastating like the evil that is associated with darkness. It is by light that men walk through darkness.

Those who are not for the corner can’t be kept at the corner. I made this motivational book because it is time for you to come out of the corner. Make it a must read.

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