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The capital thing in the cloud is knowledge. Just like we need spiritual food to live because man is spiritual, man also needs physical food to live. What we will become is controlled by what we eat. Adam fell by the hand of Satan because he was duller; it wasn’t about strength. The sleep of Adam was as a result of his frustration.

There is something God must hide from a man before he can die. All evils are shielded in darkness. Satan devalues men by making them dark so that they can’t be like God. The Bible says that death reigned from Adam to Moses. This means that death is stronger than the power of the revelation from Adam to Moses.

Immortality means functioning from a height that death cannot get to. When Jesus was crucified, He went to the grave with His stronghold, so death could not keep Him. Jesus went in with a light that was superior to the grave. Because his light was brighter than the grave, it could not keep Him. The Bible says that Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness. It was the revelation of this Sun that Jesus brought that took Him out of the grave after three days. When He entered with an unapproachable light, He blinded Satan with it, so the grave and Satan were inactive for the three days He was there.

Light is life. All who died were not protected by revelation. Man is nothing without revelation. People don’t die from the outside, but from inward vulnerability. Whether you will live or die is controlled by your cloud. If you are in a unique cloud, everyone will know.

In Revelation 20:1-2, the Bible says, “1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,”

Every evil that happened to a man is an evil that came from a certain stronghold. Every honour that gets to people is the honour of a cloud that came through revelation.


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