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The best opportunity that life provides us is to discover our everyday dominant thought. We are not only to discover our everyday dominant thought but the dominant thought that guides our families. God will not do it for us; it is our duty to discover the dominant thought that guides our lives. That thought is you. There are thoughts that can’t win fierce battles. Some people keep looking for miracles but have a defeated thought. One with a defeated thought cannot win. Jesus appeared in heaven as a Lamb because the Lamb is an animal spirit that represents a man’s thought. When you dream of a snake for instance, the snake depicts an imagery of a corrupt thought.

In Revelation 21:23, the Bible says, “23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.”

It is not the light of Jesus that shines in heaven; but the light of the Lamb. Jesus did not establish heaven until He produced a thought (Lamb). It was necessary for Jesus to take the nature of the Lamb so as to be preserved. Jesus is preserved in heaven till this day because He took the image of the thought of Grace and Truth. The Bible says, He is the Lamb that was slain.

In Revelation 5:6, the Bible says, “6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.”

“The Lamb was slain” here the Bible is trying to tell us that Jesus was killed because of His superior thoughts. That thought was represented by the Lamb who is on the throne because He is still thinking the same way that gave Him the throne. If you have eyes, you will know your thought from your person. The Bible says that Jesus is the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. Jesus was slain because of His thought. Jesus was killed because His thought was higher than that of the Jews. Yet killing Him was what preserved Him. The difference between the Lamb and the Lion is a separation of thought. Jesus knew that thinking like a Lamb could not give Him an earth kingdom so He changed into a Lion that can rule an earth kingdom. Between where you are and where you are supposed to be is a shift in thought you must understand.

The beginning of love is thought-sharing. So, if thought does not bring two people together, then they must not come together. The first thing to desire in every union should be a fellowship that can reveal the way men think. God does not preserve men; He preserves men through other men. Whether it is riches or poverty, they all connect to thought. God cannot bless a thought that is not acceptable to Him.



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