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The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Gods Word

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The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God’s life. The presence of the Holy Spirit can only be sustained by those who have enough word of God in them. The Holy Spirit baptizes men because He is the Spirit of Christ. When God wants to introduce His Spirit into men, He speaks to them. There is no relationship between God and men outside His word. God speaks different things in different seasons because of diverse manifestations of His Spirit. When the Holy Spirit rested upon Moses, he produced the Spirit of the law, but when He rested upon Jesus, He produced the word of Grace and Truth. When the Spirit of the Lion of Judah rests upon a man, the word of Vengeance will be spoken. God speaks from the abundance of His light. One of the ways to know that the Holy Spirit lives in a man is through the man’s relationship with the word of God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God’s word that quickens believers to preach fervently.

God believes that He is mocked when men smack at His word. The greatest opportunity life provides for us is to transform into gods and this can only be achieved through paying quality attention to the infallible word of God. People who don’t have the word of God in them can’t be filled with the Holy Spirit. The kind of attention we pay to God’s word reveals how close we are to Him. The best thing that can happen to any many is to be filled with the divinity of God and this can only be achieved through studying and meditating on God’s word. The presence of the Holy Spirit can only be sustained where the word of God is in abundance. All that Jesus achieved were possible because He was sufficiently imparted by Christ the living word of God. The word of God provides us with limitless opportunities to accomplish the unbelievable. The kind of attention we pay to the word of God determines the degree of power manifestations from our lives.

Furthermore, desiring to be very powerful without paying adequate attention to the word of God will introduce men to strange demonic powers. The Holy Ghost baptism is not as important as meditating on the word of God. It is wrong to lay hands on people desiring the impartation of the Holy Spirit when the word of God is not dwelling richly in them. There are different spirits for different baptisms. Those who pay adequate attention to the words of Jesus are baptized unto the Sonship of God. To be saved is to have the Spirit of God in us. Words are powerful and different spirits are represented by different words. The agelessness of spirits and their immortality are established through their words. Very powerful spirits multiply themselves through their words. The revelation we feed on determines the spirit we attract.

More so, if the Lion of Judah must be revealed on earth, we must feed continuously on the word of Vengeance. The Lion of Judah is the most powerful Spirit in eternity and as such it will take ultimate sacrifice to harvest Him from the word of Vengeance. There are fierce battles that the sword of Grace and Truth can’t win, hence the need for God to incarnate Himself through the word of vengeance in order to win all battles. Spirits are as powerful as the light of their words. All who pay quality attention to the word of God do not walk in darkness. The word of God is light and salt. Anyone who rejects the word of God will be destroyed by satan. The presence of the revelational light of Christ in the Spirit of Jesus made Him eternal. The recreation of the Spirit of Jesus also led to the transformation of His soul and the immortalization of His body.

Also, we must not trifle with all that can be achieved through the power of God’s word. Whatever was created by the living word of God is being sustained by the same word. Mortals put on immortality as they study and meditate on the infallible word of God. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter who preserves believers by revealing the secrets of God to them. The Holy Spirit is part of the triune God that establishes the will of God on earth through His word. The word of God depends on the power of its light to fight against darkness. Man without the word of God will be subjected to corruption and the Holy Spirit can’t fellowship with corrupt lives. Corruption means the absence of the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. It is destructive to seek the power of the Holy Ghost when the word of God has not taken its due place in our lives. Hearing the word of God inspires fruitfulness in people.

In conclusion, men are subjected to eternal damnation when they reject the word of God. Rejecting the word of God enthrones satan in the lives of men. Relating with the Holy Spirit outside the word of God is an act of witchcraft. Wherever the word of God is spoken with power, the Holy Spirit will enforce miracles and divine transformation. God will depend on the word of Vengeance to declare the destiny of the last millennium. The Lion of Judah is the last testator whose life is encapsulated in the revelation of the Third Testament. There can’t be genuine fellowship with the Holy Spirit outside the word of God.

Perusing through the revelational light in the pages of this life-changing book will bless you immensely.

Make it a must read.



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