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The life of every man is encapsulated in his thought. Thought has age and the age of every man’s thought is his real age. It is not possible for any man to separate the way he thinks from how long he will live on earth. Much can’t be achieved with people with corrupt and defeated thoughts. There must be suppression, defeat and thought imprisonment before any form of captivity. Thoughts have sizes which are revealed as words, actions and characters of men. Reducing the age of men’s thoughts is the primary activity of witchcraft but God can increase our spiritual age if we pay quality attention to His infallible word. Thought has ability to unite men with God. Sharing in the thought of God made Jesus one with Him. The difference between God and men is in thought separation. We are as powerful as the way we think. The brightness of a particular light is controlled by the thought that produced it.

However, different thoughts have different destinies. Sharing thought with a spirit transforms men into the likeness of the spirit. The age of your thought embodies the story of your life. The value of every man is known from his thought. It was possible for Jesus to conquer death and satan because Christ changed the age of His thought. The best way to preserve a man is by imparting his thought. It was possible for satan to reduce Adam’s age because he corrupted his thought. The way we live reveals how powerful and valuable our thoughts are. Thought has both spiritual and mental power. Whosoever controls our thoughts will be in charge of our destinies. All incarnate Spirits inspire the transformation of human thoughts. While the thoughts of men are perishable, the thought of God lasts forever. God relates faster with our thoughts than our prayers. Whatever affects our thoughts will definitely influence our lives. God can’t preserve untamed lives.

More so, people reduce their years as they become constantly engulfed with ungodly and visionless thoughts. Nobody can be bigger or more relevant than the way he thinks. Those who want to live long on earth must pay discreet attention to the life-giving word of God. All whose thoughts are imparted sufficiently by the light of God’s word partake in divine nature. Men put on the divinity of God when the word of God transforms their mentalities. God’s word doesn’t only transform the mentalities of men, it also preserves their lives. If you don’t care about the way you think, God will not care about your destiny. Fierce battles can only be won by those whose mentalities are sufficiently imparted by the word of God. We must not take anyone serious until we are sure of the way he/she thinks. Both life and death are inculcated in thoughts. Men’s character reveals their thoughts and this is why thought can’t be hidden.

Furthermore, when God wants to preserve men, He shields their thoughts. Men with corrupt thoughts are powerless. Every thought has its light. The light that shines on the New Testament is the light of Jesus’ thought. If God can’t be killed, then the thought of Christ can’t be destroyed. Every thought has its destiny and destiny can be altered through thought transformation. The life and royalty of God are established in His thought. Christ transformed the thought of Jesus both to accomplish the messianism of the suffering servant and to build the spiritual kingdom of God. The best men on earth are those whose thoughts are controlled by God. All who God must depend on to accomplish mighty feats must enjoy definite thought impartation. Thought impartation is undeniable during fellowship. When we choose who to fellowship with, we have chosen our destiny.

Also, thrones are established through the thoughts of kings. The thoughts of kings separate them from their subjects. Vision prepares the thoughts of men for incarnation. Mental stability can only be achieved through continuous thought impartation. Two spirits can’t think the same way. When God incarnated His Son, Grace and Truth became the ideology of His life, but when He incarnates Himself, the ideology of Vengeance will represent the Lion of Judah. There is a strong difference between eternal life and immortality. Except we develop the gift of eternal life, we can’t achieve immortality. It is very grievous for a man to keep God away from his thought. Keeping God away from their thoughts makes men servants of satan. Good thoughts can be corrupted through evil communication. Change of thought is a mystery and its importance can’t be over-emphasized. The greatest opportunity God has to produce the best of men is to impart their thoughts, but God can’t impart men’s thoughts except He incarnates a particular Spirit.

Finally, incarnate Spirits will always inspire travails in men that house them because it is the only way they can be revealed. The greatest achievement of vision is to tame the thoughts of visionaries. The unequalled access Jesus had to the hidden things of God was possible because His thought was tamed by Christ. Those who are born of the Spirit of God don’t think like men. Moses shared thought with God when he became a god. Those who vision tame their thoughts are not always separated from important places.

The revelational light encapsulated in this book is designed to increase your age.
Make it a must read.




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