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A platform is a meeting point between God and men. Except men raise a platform, God can’t be part of the earth. Platforms are altars which can only be raise through sacrifice. The coming of Jesus was made possible by the efforts of the Jews. The sacrificial effort that the Jews made to present Jesus to God can’t be denied even by their worst enemies. While the platform of Grace and Truth was produced from the platform of the Law and the Prophets, the platform of vengeance will be produced from the platform of Grace and Truth. Those who can’t build platforms for God will always worship the God of other nations. The inability of the Gentiles to produce an ideological man that can wear the face of God is why they are a vile nation. Not building a platform for God represents the highest form of spiritual and mental depravity. Any spirit we build a platform for will definitely be part of us.

There is nothing we can accomplish for God that is more important than building a tabernacle for His manifestation. The God that men should worship must be produced by them. Platforms are not easily built because they require unique revelations to be built and it is only those who can build platforms will God demand a platform from. It will take the best of chosen men to build a platform for God. Building platforms provides men with the opportunity to share in the destiny of God. On platforms, chosen men lose their humanity to take on the divinity of God. What God takes from us declares us relevant in His sight. The greatest achievement of the man Jesus was to build a platform for Christ. Through the platform of Jesus, Christ shares destiny with all believers. The relationship between God and men is value-based. Anybody who wants to connect to Jesus must depend on his/her value to achieve it.

More so, the promises God made to the saints of the last millennium will not be fulfilled except the Lion of Judah shares the ideology of vengeance with a chosen man. The sharing of the ideology of vengeance with a man will lead to the end of pain, sorrow, crying, tears and death. Although Jesus was crucified, He rose from the grave because the ideology of Grace and Truth can’t be killed. We are all represented by our thought before the Lord. The readiness of men determines the achievements of God on earth. Jesus is enthroned as the King of kings and Lord of lords because of the value that Christ harvested from Him. We must not abandon what we are expected to do for ourselves to God. There are so many powerful spirits that desire to be introduced to the earth but there are no worthy human bodies for them. Making ourselves available to God is not as important as being chosen by Him. God blesses men through what they have. Whatever will exercise dominion on earth must come from man.

Giving Christ a place on earth elevated Jesus and gave Him a name that is above every other name. The name of Christ is Jesus. Men will always be rewarded for whatever God achieves through them. There is a great price for every notable accomplishment. When Jesus lost His life to take the life of Christ, He also obtained an excellent name. There is always something to lose to get a better thing. Satan can’t be tamed until men that can tame him are born. The power in the name of a man is determined by the price that was paid to obtain it. Whatever we sacrifice to obtain an excellent name pays in what we achieve through the name. Crowns are made in light. The crown of Jesus was made in the light of Christ. The presence of God is preserved on earth by wounded men. All light-producing bodies are wounded bodies. God wounds only the people that He loves and cares about.

Furthermore, so many people are afflicted by satan because they avoided the wounds that are meant to protect them from the spells of darkness. Housing a spirit can only be possible by a man who shares thought with the spirit. Sharing thought with God makes a man equal with Him. Giving one’s body to God is far more important than speaking for Him. The glory of man lies in taking responsibility for God and not in expecting things from God. Those who fold their hands and expect God to do everything for them are never free from frustration. There is so much that God can accomplish in our lives after birth. The way we are controls the way we live and what is achieved through us. Housing God makes men gods. When a man houses God, he becomes a hiding place for other men. Every man is born with a value but it is not every value that can introduce God.

In conclusion, the world is eagerly waiting for a man that has the value to introduce the Lion of Judah. The man that can introduce the Lion of Judah will represent Him. It will take a strong mentality for anyone to house the Ancient of days. Except the Lion of Judah is housed in a man, the problem of this age will not be solved. If it took much price to introduce the Son of God, it will take much more price to introduce God Himself to the earth. Any man who has value to introduce the Lion of Judah is the Lion of Judah.

Encapsulated in the pages of this book are revelations that will make you relevant in this dispensation.

Make it a must read.





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