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From more than two decades of listening and sharing in people’s burdens, I discovered that God doesn’t share in men’s burdens until He restrains them. He establishes relationship with men before He confront their challenges. The desire to be free is one of the outstanding crave of man’s soul. As simple as freedom might look, a lot of people don’t have access to its principles. God declares only those who He yokes free. Freedom can’t be enjoyed without yoke. Jesus encouraged us to take His yoke. This means that to be a child of God is to be made subject to God’s yoke. However, we can only take the yoke of Christ after taking the yoke of our lives. When God’s purpose incarnates men, He makes Himself part of them.

Those who desire God’s presence must make themselves available. While Adam was in Eden, he didn’t pray for God’s visitation. God visited him regularly because he positioned himself where God can visit him. When he was spewed out of Eden, God couldn’t identify with him outside the place of purpose. Purpose makes men prisoners. The best men on earth are those who are imprisoned by purpose. Those who are imprisoned by purpose can’t be humiliated by Satan. When God’s purpose imprisons men, He takes care of them. God shares in whatever that happens to those who are in the prison of purpose, but men die when they reject the yoke of God.

When God identifies with men, He partners with them in the path of purpose. The path of purpose where God incarcerates purposeful men is where He ties Himself. Purpose declares men relevant before God. God believes that He has blessed us when we share in His life through purpose. God’s purpose will always bring men together and those who are meant to be together should respect God’s decision. Men are introduced to relevance through purpose.

I wrote this book because of the importance of being who you are meant to be. God delights in instructions because His instructions bear His blessings. The prison is a place where men are kept against their will. In prison, the instruction of purpose is both for men to care and protect them. It is in the prison of purpose that God makes men all that they are meant to be. Any life that is guided by the instruction of God can’t be separated from His favour. While Adam was in the garden of Eden, he was served by four rivers. He had all that he needed because of the favour of God. Things he didn’t ask God were given to him because he was purposefully positioned by the instructions of God. God favours men after He has conquered them.

Sometimes, people wonder why I am so bold. I am bold because my life is already taken and He who keeps it has responsibility to protect them. It is no longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me. The life I live now I live by the grace of Christ who redeemed me. When the messianism of Christ took the life of the man Jesus, He served God’s purpose. All the problems men have are solved when they are incarcerated. The benefits men are expose to when they are incarcerated by purpose is why I wrote this book. Make it a must read.



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