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Christ was concealed in God in the Old Testament but God manifested through His Son and the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. In the Third Testament, God will function on earth as a man through the last incarnate Spirit. The inability of believers to unravel the mysteries surrounding the Sonship of Jesus Christ has caused a lot of misunderstanding and falling away of many. It is a great privilege for the Saints of the last millennium to have access to the revealed truth of this book. Jesus Christ came to represent God, not to replace Him.

The ambassadorial opportunity Jesus Christ had to represent God did not make Him the same person as God. It also did not make Him equal with God. It is wrong to believe that the son of a man can take the place of the man. It is also wrong to believe that the son of a man is the same person as the man. If Jesus Christ didn’t call Himself God, why will the Church give Him the place of God? All who didn’t understand the limitation of Jesus Christ as the Son of God will find it impossible to be part of the next Ideological move of God. God who sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to the earth is yet to come. Those who live totally for the Lamb of God will not be part of the Lion of Judah.

Although Jesus Christ is not God, He took the place of God in the midst of the Church. When Jesus Christ paid for the Church, the Church became His own. Each time God wants to be part of the Church, He passes through Jesus Christ His Son. Looking closely at the parable of the wicked husbandmen in the Book of Matthew, we will discover that the place of the Son in that parable was different from the place of the owner of the vineyard. God who incarnated His Son and accomplished the redemption of man will in this Millennium incarnate Himself to complete the work He started with His Son. There are so much God didn’t accomplish through His Son which He will unfailingly accomplish when He incarnates Himself. The Son of God doesn’t think like God. While God is seated at the very throne of the Majesty on High, Jesus Christ has a place only at the right hand of the Majesty.

The divine assignment of this millennium is waiting for God to incarnate Himself. The ideology of Grace and Truth which established the spiritual Kingdom of God is not strong enough to establish the Millennial Kingdom. When we go to heaven, we will meet God in Jesus Christ. The primary reason why rapture has delayed is because those who should work out the coming of the Lion of Judah is busy insisting that the Lamb of God should come back. The Son of God can’t come back but God will incarnate Himself to function in the midst of men. It is the ideology of Vengeance which represents the person of the Lion of Judah that is meant to declare the kingdom of this world as God’s kingdom. As an heir of God, there are so many hidden truths Jesus Christ didn’t have access to. Those who are captured totally with the ideology of the Lamb of God can’t be part of the Lion of Judah. God has planned to end mysteries in this millennium but mysteries will only finish when God incarnates Himself. The reason why we must pay adequate attention to the sacred secrets of this millennium is because this last millennium can’t be declared except God incarnates Himself. It is through the ideology of the Self-birth of God will this controversial millennium be declared.

The destiny of this millennium is committed to the Spirit of Vengeance. This means that it is not meant for the Son of God to declare. It is by the incarnation of the Lion of Judah that the Spirit of Vengeance will be declared. The Spirit of Vengeance is an all-knowing Spirit who is infinite in intelligence. He is a Lion Spirit which has eyes everywhere because His body is full of light. The reigning light of this millennium is the light of the Lion of Judah, not the light of the Lamb. Jesus Christ the Son of God doesn’t look like God. He only looks like Himself. He didn’t establish the kingdom of God, He only established His own kingdom for God. All who are made sons of God by Jesus Christ are made smaller than God. We can’t be more valuable than what the revelation of God’s word made out of us. If the foundation of the New Testament Church was laid on the Sonship of Jesus Christ, the foundation of the Third Testament will be laid on the self-incarnation of God. The revealed truth of this book is meant to make you an important person of this sacred millennium. Make it a must read.

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