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Annually, the Locust Army embarks on forty days fasting and praying. This painstaking programme is geared towards strengthening the covenant of Life and Immortality and obtaining new favor from the Lord. This prophetic prayer booklet contains all the prayer points that were made during Gethsemane 2019. I decided to compile it because I know it will help the Army to have new direction. It reveals certain prophetic prayer pattern that will motivate us to get quick results. Most of the prayer points came directly from the Holy Spirit. Some centered on warfare while others on petitioning to God according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Whichever way, this booklet is inspiring and motivational. It is meant for you. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Before Jesus was crucified, He spent quality time in travailing prayer to get Himself ready for a very painful death. According to Luke’s account of what happened in Gethsemane, the Bible says that Jesus agonized so earnestly in prayer that His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

God is absolutely committed to the prayer of Saints. As soon as Zion travails she brought forth her children. One of the greatest opportunities we have as believers is to come boldly before the throne of grace with your requests. God doesn’t separate Himself from the prayer of Saints. Every great thing that happened on earth started with prayers. The best people on earth are praying people. No door remains closed when Saints keep knocking at them from the place of right standing. God is always helpless each time we bring our request before Him from a given place. Jesus Christ died and rose from the grave to bring us into the heavenly places where our voices will not be ignored by God. Satan trembles before fervent travailers. Exercising the authority of the Kingdom is meant strictly for believers who are fervent in prayers.

Wrestling in prayer gives believers the privilege to bring down every mountain, make crooked ways straight and fill every valley. There is no limit to what God can achieve through the travailing prayers of believers. Travailers share power with God. The opportunities prayer produces for us must not be underutilized. The desire of this prophetic prayer booklet is to encourage believers to go back to fervent prayers so that they can be on top of their situations. Make it a must read.

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