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Miracles are not abstract; they are interventions that involve tested knowledge, learnings and sanctified understanding. Everything that has ever happened in science was rooted in the Bible. The revelations that gave birth to scientific discoveries are mysteries that have origin in God. God is the basis of science and any scientist that doesn’t believe and worship the only true God will not be proficient.

Science is a knowledge ascertained by observation and experiment, critically tested, systematized and brought under general principles. Science is also an act or a discipline that encourages the proficiency of human skills, specialization and techniques. Science does not oppose God; after all, God is its origin. The Bible provides the keys that opens the doors for science. One of the greatest miracles in the book of Exodus is that the magicians also turned their rods into serpents probably because they passed through the same school Moses attended before escaping to Midian. The rod of Moses swallowed their rods because while in Midian, he acquired a higher learning and an improved skill. True miracles must involve arts and science.

However, miracle power is a product of wisdom. The way God will use us is controlled by all that the light of his word accomplished in us. Miracle power is a concrete revelation of men’s value.

For miracles to happen, skills should be identified, developed and mastered through a tactful process. Whatever must have dominion on earth must be mastered. The usefulness of every life is determined on how the life is developed, and different lives are developed differently. Through tactful self-development, the value of every life is harvested. Men point to their destinies through the tactful development of their skills. The primary assignment of the Holy Spirit on earth is to assist men to develop themselves. God introduces Himself through what men makes out of themselves. It is wrong to expect God to have dominion on earth after we have abandoned ourselves.

The value of skill development in men is what God uses in working miracles. There is no limit to what God can achieve through men after they have become masters of themselves. God gives dominion only to masters. The man God created in His image and likeness is a master. Whatever makes men masters will also give them charge over their environment. Miracles don’t end in the lives of men after they have become masters over themselves.

What men become depend on the way they are developed. Skill development separates men. While Moses developed into a god, Aaron evolved as a prophet, and Joshua also developed as a die-hard warrior. God recommend Bezaleel and Aholiab to Moses because they were skillfully developed. They were skillfully developed because they paid individual attention to themselves. The way we relate with the deposits of God in us determines how God relates with us. Two men can’t develop the same way. The rod that Moses went to Egypt with was the evidence of his personal transformation. The life and encounters of Moses were what made the rod unique and very powerful. God believes that He has blessed us when He reveals who we are to us, and how we must develop ourselves.

The greatest miracle that happens to men is what the light of God’s word makes out of them. It was the empowerment of the man Jesus with the spiritual light of Christ that brought Him to the realm of miracles. The unbreakable fellowship of Jesus with Christ made Him a unique miracle-worker. The spiritual light of God doesn’t only produce miracles from men, it also preserves them. A god is a man preserved by the light of God’s revelation. There is no value that is greater than being a god.

Encounters that produce miracles are personally and privately revealed. However, miracle is not taught because it can’t be taught. Tangible and enduring power is in what we have ability to know and see. Power is not what we do; it is who we are. Power is not about changing situations; it is about transforming our lives.

Power is the economy of God made available to men as they fellowship privately with the hidden truths of God. Having our lives hidden in God is being powerful. The greatest form of power manifestation is producing gods from men.

The revelational knowledge of this book is designed to produce the best from you.
Make it a must read!

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